Saddams Killer R/C UAV's, here in the USA?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 24, 2001
New Mexico, USA
Re: Arafats new toys

DEBKA ( Daniel's most recent link)is kind of interesting, I have been monitoring them off and on for about two years now. They have some very interesting sources, and there are a lot of rumors that they are either well connected to Israeli Intel, or are actually a direct project of Israeli intel (Mossad or Shin Bet, I couldn't say for sure which, but I'd guess Mossad.)

Here is my analysis of what I have seen from them:
About 40% is apparently outright disinformation or propaganda.

About 40% has more than just grain of truth at its base, but is slanted heavily toward an Israeli agenda.

20% is good, solid intel that should scare the cr@p out of any rational person.

The hard part is figuring out what group any particular story falls into: usually only time will tell. Some of their stories that on the surface are compeletely outlandish turn out to be absolutely correct. Other stories that make you think, "Yeah, that seems right" turn out to be absolute fabrications.

It's an interesting source, I used to read it every day (just check in occasionally now), but I would take anything there with several "grains of salt".