SAK Question


Sep 5, 2002
Northern NJ, USA
Lately I have taken to carrying a Soldier SAK.
It's a great knife, but I would really like to have a magnifying glass in place of the can opener. How can I do this?

My ideal pocketable SAK:
Red or Blue Alox
Large spearpoint blade
Magnifying glass
As little other "junk" as possible

Any ideas from the SAK gurus?---Marc
See, which shows the features (with pics) of all SAKs. Its good for helping you pick the "perfect" SAK. I have picked the "perfect" one about 10 times. :laughing:

See also, (Secret Order of Swiss Army Knife), which has a link where you imput the SAK features you want and it gives you a list of SAKs that have them.

In the sosak forum, there is at least one guy who will modify a SAK to your liking, so it has the features you want.

SOSAK is the place to ask about SAK's. It's on and as powernoodle suggested, you should be able to find someone who can make the mod you want.
I don't think Soldiers have ever come in blue alox.
They have come in red, but those are old and collectable ($$),
and in many cases the alox is quite worn.

QVC, of all places, commisioned a run of red and blue Farmers.
A Farmer is a Soldier with a saw and a keyring. QVC no longer
has them, but you can get them new-in-box from

Pick up a red or blue Farmer (Soldier + a Saw and a keyring)
and get someone to mod it.

If you are a fan of the magnifier, you may also be interested to know
that the Victorinox Yeoman is making a limited comeback.
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Thanks for all the suggestions. I've now spent an hour on SOSAK.

I had looked at the Scientist, but I hate corkscrews on SAK's. I never drink wine, so a corkscrew is just wasted space and weight.
Right now I'm looking for a lens that is the proper diameter and thickness. I'm going to buy another Soldier (they're only $20US) and convert the can opener into a lens holder. It's worth a try.
vetkaw63 said:
Corkscrews hold the great miniature screwdriver and help untie knots on lanyards.

Yes, there are many uses of a corkscrew besides opening bottles of wine. Holding the mini screwdriver is the most important, IMO.