Salvo 10W HID Light Head Repair or Mod


Newly Enlightened
Dec 15, 2021
I am trying to repair a Salvo 10W HID Light and Light Monkey has no parts. I need a bulb and ballast. I am wondering of anyone has converted any of those focusable light heads to LED? Ideally I would like to maintain the ability to change the beam width but a narrow fixed beam would be ok.
As I recall, someone who did this mod was disappointed. I think he got more spill, less hotspot. An LED definitely will not focus as well as the HID. It might have been a different brand, but I would expect results to be similar.
Thanks for the feedback. Is there anything worthwhile that can be done with the existing head?
I just bought two heads on FB for first trys get them on Wednesday . Plastic testubes I allready have . I get some idea which might be crazy
simple , but I have to test it first.

last time i don't work so much because I have switch job and have a lot to learn in electronic production company ... so it take a while but that is fun to never give up. Happy 2022 to all here !

Hi Lucca
I hope it´s ok to ask you this. I saw you have/had a scubapro lux 200 HP. I have one as well but ufortunally I lost the charger. Do you know how to charge the battery (batterytype, load og voltage)?
Thank you for helping
Werner (DK)
Hi I sell all those chargeres from 7,2V as 200 HP uses I think larger than AA it had around 2300mAh . It was smart charger inside with NiMH charging curve . Just use some smart charger it will detect batteries inside and adapt voltage . Smart charger is better because it can wake up almost dead battery by repeating charging cycles . I have similar to this . But after switching NiMH for LiFePO4 with BMS I use just laboratory power supply .