Well I got a 4pk of Duracell 2650's last week from Target who was running a nice T-day weekend special on them and the Duraloops. Somebody had cleaned out the duraloops from the two Targets I visited
Anyway, right off the bat the batteries were acting funny, very inconsistant from battery to battery, charge cycle ending early, and not getting good capacities on my Lacrosse charger. I've been doing some cycling and testing and tried two forming charges as well.
Maybe the 3rd cycle
1934, 1120, 1129, 1160 mAh
About the 4th cycle I got the following:
2530, 2650, 1219, 1113 mAh
2550, 2710, 1723, 1575 mAh
Currently running another test, 3 are still dis-charging one finished at 2010 mAh.
They seem to be getting better, but I've never experienced this with Eneloops. I have seen this with the Energizer 2500s though. In a month I will report back on Self-discharge.
So far my opinion is :thumbsdown:
-Production code indicates a 2007 manufacture date.
-I have not tried the charger with known good batteries to see if the charger has gone bad.