saw a neat light at menards


Jan 3, 2004
hi guys,

i don't know if this is old news.

menards has a cree light that takes 2xaa at the registers. it's called outdoorsman or something. it says "aluminum 145 lumens". it appears to have a rubber grip. what i liked is it is very small for a 2xaa light. i almost grabbed it thinking it was a 2x123!

it looked like a glass window too! it's small. i didn't check the price but i am sure it is inexpensive.

I saw a couple of interesting lights at Menards tonight. One was the one you saw and the other was, I think, a 2xAAA light. They went under the brand of Guidesman, which is a Menards brand. I came here hoping to read a review.

I didn't write down the details but the 2xAAA model said 90 Lumens as I recall. One of the packages included two lights for $15. I think it was the 2xAAA package. The other package, as I recall, was $12 for one.

I'll have to go back and take better notes. I would have bought one tonight but I found the Rayovac Sportman Extreme 3xC for $23 so I brought that home.

They also had a couple of multi-LED flashlights under the Guidesman name but they didn't interest me much.
that led light by guidesman that claims "145 lumens" is not even close to being accurate. i have a rayovac thats rated at 80 lumens and it outshines it hands down. i should have figured for 12 bucks it couldnt be all that good.
I have a couple of both the "1 watt" and "3 watt" versions, and I was suprised to note that the one watt version (both specimens) appear brighter and whiter than the three watt (both specimens) with the same batteries.