Flashlight Enthusiast
So I have 4 fluorescent fixtures in my shop. 4-foot tubes. As the original bulbs went bad, I converted to LED tubes. Working great except for one fixture. It would occasionally blink out. Thought tubes were bad. Started crackling and smelling funny. Ah, gotta be the ballast. Fortunately I was down there and unplugged it and pulled it down before it started smoking up the place. I have since learned that one can rewire a fluorescent fixture to use the LED tubes exclusively.
- If I rewire the fixture to bypass the ballast, can I continue to use the LED tubes I have, or are those only made to step-down the voltage from the ballast, and I have to use LED tubes made for direct-wire fixtures?
- Anybody got a good guide or info on how to do the rewire?
- If I rewire the fixture to bypass the ballast, can I continue to use the LED tubes I have, or are those only made to step-down the voltage from the ballast, and I have to use LED tubes made for direct-wire fixtures?
- Anybody got a good guide or info on how to do the rewire?