Scorpion R500 goes protected


Newly Enlightened
Jul 27, 2005
I bought a Scorpion R500 about 2 years ago, and it sits mostly by the bed stand not being used..

recently I started to use it (attempted) and I've seen that after about 90 seconds it goes into protected mode.. I quick plug in on the charger resets it, and it runs for another 90 seconds...

after attemping this about 5-8 times, I do notice that the rear battery area does seem warmer then the front (and about the same temp as the head).

Any suggestions on how to fix this???

I've removed the battery pack and looked for any indication of shorts etc.. it looks fine..
Sounds like a dead or degraded battery pack that can't handle the current drain required to power the bulb. I had an old R500 hundred with the same problem and pulled the battery pack out and replaced it with a couple 18650s that I can now recharge in an external charger.
what did you use for a spacer, as now you omitted the inline charge receptacle?

It's been a while, but I checked and it looks like I just cut off the "head" end of the battery pack and stuffed it into the body so the spring from the head could make contact. The other end contacts to positive end of the first 18650. Works fine.