Scratched my NEW 120T BK


Mar 7, 2007
Yesterday after returning from Lighthound I ran into my fther in law. He asked got ny new lights?'' He was trying to figure it out when he dropped it and it hit a cinder block on the way down. It left a small scratch on the bezel and one twice the size on the body. Not to fear I used Birchwood Casey Super Black in flat black finish and it's like the scratches were never there. You have to be careful when applying this stuff it can get every where and you need to let it dry but it works great.
Gee whiz, not even one day old and it's already gotten it's first battle scars. Well, at least you have those out of the way now so you can relax and really enjoy your new light!
I use ALL my lights,some get used more than others,but scratches are ugly to look at. I guess my post was more to inform about the Birchwood stuff. It works well, so if anybody wants to cover up scracthes this is for you.
The first scratch is the hardest, that's why I scratch my lights multiple times before I use them.

Sharpie is also an alternative, but it doesn't last as long. Duracoat would also work, but that is something completely different.
The first scratch is the hardest, that's why I scratch my lights multiple times before I use them.

break in is always difficult, regardless of the price for the light. but just about every light I own, once the first scratch/ding is made I actually start to use it more often. :huh:

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