Second Light


Newly Enlightened
Feb 11, 2009
I Got My Second Flashlight ,Mr Mail Man Brought It Today . NC Smart PD R2 .Sweet Little Light ! Now On To # 3 I Want To Get A seriours Throwing Torch Not To Pricy $500 or Less would Be Great & Decent Run Time.What Do You Guys think ? Whats:twothumbs The Best seller ?
Better hope Marduke doesn't see this thread. He might scold you on using the search function. :devil:

$500 or less will probably buy you a great flashlight. Wish I had that kind of budget but even if I did, I probably would buy a gun instead.

I'll make a reco even though I am not an expert - Ra Twisty seems to be very popular around here. It's been recommended to me more than any other flashlight.

Also from using the *SEARCH* function (thanks Marduke), I have learned that the TK series seem to be good outdoors throwers.
500 or less? man you have great budget!
i cant even suggest one that is close to that price range.

Led or HID?

HID is the thrower kings. check discussions at other subforum.

few brands to look at:
microfire for hid,
wolf-eyes ( i think they have both hid and led).

and led: dereelight dbs or tiablo a10

more knowledgeable people may chime in.
You can also get a HID for that price. It might be a good time to start on HIDs if you want a lot more performance.

The DEFT is still amazing though.
Better hope Marduke doesn't see this thread. He might scold you on using the search function. :devil:
I'd cool it! That's Baiting.

Now On To # 3 I Want To Get A seriours Throwing Torch Not To Pricy $500 or Less.
For that money you have lots of options. The old guard DBS, newer Tiablo Ace, maybe the new EagleTac M2 series, DEFT. There are so many throwers for that kind of money.
I just bought a stanley, and it is completely useless in my neighborhood. Of course, this didn't do anything to stop me from buying it...:whistle:
Its actually surprisingly light, and apparently runs for about a half hour. If you are going to pay that kind of money, you should definitely get at least a 35 watt HID light of some kind.
I Got My Second Flashlight ,Mr Mail Man Brought It Today . NC Smart PD R2 .Sweet Little Light ! Now On To # 3 I Want To Get A seriours Throwing Torch Not To Pricy $500 or Less would Be Great & Decent Run Time.What Do You Guys think ? Whats:twothumbs The Best seller ?

I take it that your first light was a NC Extreme.

So, you've got two compact EDC-able flashlights and are looking for something brighter and throwier. That's not unexpected.

Some have suggested HID flashlights. I won't add to that list.

In the LED area, here are a couple of suggestions: ED-P72 and MX2. (BTW, if you're looking for a user, you can save a few dollars on the ED-P72).

You might consider some incandescent lights. A few beamshots.

I'd suggest looking at a few lights that have mellower profiles, nicer beams, and more useful interfaces, such as the LiteFlux LF3XT, Novatac 120P, HDS Ra 100 (including Ra 120, 140, 170, twisties, clickies, etc.).

Finally, you might browse through some of Milkyspit's creations, like the Milky L1, Creemator, the Roomsweeper, or the Gossamer.

Good luck in your search!

I don't have all of the above lights, but I do have some. No single flashlight does it all. It's my dream to have perhaps a half-dozen flashlights that are sufficiently complementary to cover all of my practical needs. :)
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You've indicated some concern about size in your PM to me.

The Milkyspit lights that I listed are unbelievably small compared to their genormous output. They are no bigger than most 2xAA lights. (For example, my Gossamer is far smaller and lighter than Romisen's RC-N3.)

And the throwers, A10 and DBS, are reasonably small. I wouldn't call them "pocketable", but they are still amazingly small considering their output. And they are much smaller than any 2D flashlight that you will find at your local department/hardware store.

I'd suggest that the DBS V2 might be a better fit for your user profile - a little better spill, a little smaller, and more flexible (as your needs change and as new upgrades hit the market). On the other hand, if "throw" is your need, then throw is what you'll get with the A10.

Good luck in your search for numero tres!
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