Hey everyone. 'Been a long time since I used these forums to help me decide on a decent LED flashlight. I now have several lights I use while on duty or for personal use.
I am back to ask a few questions and seek help on buying a charger.
I have already spent a few hours Google'ing all this to little avail.
First off, what does "AW Protected RCR" mean? It's a term bounced around a lot here yet I cannot find a definition. Also, in some of the reviews the term 'direct drive' is used when running a little at max. What does this mean?
Secondly, I am no slouch to battery technology or usage (thanks in no small part to sites like this one) and even own a $120 NiMH charger, but Li ion is new territory for me and I just haven't got the time to learn it all myself.
Almost all of my lights take a CR123. A couple take 18650 or a 17xxx or 2 "RCR"s (I do not know what that means). When I decided to enlighten myself to buy a Li ion charger, there were just to many uncertainties between capacities and voltages, "run times", "direct drives" etc. to figure it all out on my own. For example, my M20 runs on 2xCR123s or 1x18650 but the volatges for these cells are the same so wouldnt 2 CR123 have twice the voltage?
To get to the point, I am looking for decent (but not over the top) Li ion charger for CR123 cells and also a supply - say a dozen - batteries.
I know quality and components on battery chargers can be night and day and the difference in usage and maintenance between NiCd, NiMH and alklines is equally as varied. Are Lithiums the same?
Please suggest some chargers, battery types/brands and places on-line when I can obtain them (pref Canada sites so I canb avoid customs and delays).
Thanks a million in advance.
I am back to ask a few questions and seek help on buying a charger.
I have already spent a few hours Google'ing all this to little avail.
First off, what does "AW Protected RCR" mean? It's a term bounced around a lot here yet I cannot find a definition. Also, in some of the reviews the term 'direct drive' is used when running a little at max. What does this mean?
Secondly, I am no slouch to battery technology or usage (thanks in no small part to sites like this one) and even own a $120 NiMH charger, but Li ion is new territory for me and I just haven't got the time to learn it all myself.
Almost all of my lights take a CR123. A couple take 18650 or a 17xxx or 2 "RCR"s (I do not know what that means). When I decided to enlighten myself to buy a Li ion charger, there were just to many uncertainties between capacities and voltages, "run times", "direct drives" etc. to figure it all out on my own. For example, my M20 runs on 2xCR123s or 1x18650 but the volatges for these cells are the same so wouldnt 2 CR123 have twice the voltage?
To get to the point, I am looking for decent (but not over the top) Li ion charger for CR123 cells and also a supply - say a dozen - batteries.
I know quality and components on battery chargers can be night and day and the difference in usage and maintenance between NiCd, NiMH and alklines is equally as varied. Are Lithiums the same?
Please suggest some chargers, battery types/brands and places on-line when I can obtain them (pref Canada sites so I canb avoid customs and delays).
Thanks a million in advance.