I had to try my idea to see how it works... First, some strontium aluminate green glow powder and a seoul "test mule" are needed:
Seoul buried to glow powder:
After gently blowing, this is what is remaining of the glow powder. You can see the individual glow powder flakes. They are spread quite unevenly:
The glow effect in a textured McR20 reflector:
Same reflector, a bit different angle:
The glow effect in a smooth IMS20 reflector:
Same reflector, a bit different angle:
I have a bit mixed feelings about this technique... It works and you can create very easily and quickly glow effect to your flashlight. Furthermore, it has very little, if any effect on the flashlight performance - I can not see any change in the beam. However, the glow powder is spread so unevenly that the glow effect is not very beautiful because you can see the reflection of individual strontium aluminate flakes.
To sum up, this is quick and easy but also quick and dirty way to create glow effect.