SF E2 Exec - worth converting to a long runtime LED?


Newly Enlightened
May 12, 2007
I have this SF E2 Exec that I got a couple of years ago (traded two old 1911 mags for it), and, honestly, I don't really like it.

It's built well, but (for me, most of the time) it's too bright and eats through batteries too much. Granted, perhaps there's a disconnect between its intent and what I'd like it for, so...

Is it possible, and if so - worthwhile (cost and effort wise), to convert this thing to a low-light long-run-time LED?

Or, should I just sell it or something?

For those who have one of these, what's its strong point?


Personally, I would get a KX2 LED head for it. an E2E is 60 lumens for 1.25 hrs. The KX2 would be 60 lumens for 6 hrs and you would also have the option for a dimmer 3 lumen output for a whopping (claimed) 100 hrs.
Not sure if it comes in plain HA, but the KX2C is just like the E2DL head without the crenlations. More light output than than the KX2.
Another alternative is the OpticsHQ Cree Q5 conversion head for the E2.

I've got one. It has given my E2E new life. I like it so much, I plan on getting a 2nd E2E and OpticsHQ head. This head gives the most beautiful beam I have ever seen! Perfectly round beam, nice hot-spot with a surprising amount of throw, and even the spill-beam is wide and white.

The only negative thing I can say about it is that the andonizing on the head is quite a bit lighter than that of the E2E body and tailcap. But considering the beam and output, that's a very minor negative point. Also, despite the head being longer than the stock E2E head; you can still carry the light clipped to the top of a pants-pocket without worrying that it will fall out.

Here's a link to a thread with more info about the head. (Please note that while the topic-starter's conversion head was shipped with some minor Q.C. issues, the one I have is as good as any head on any of my Surefire lights).



Oops. Somehow missed the part that you wanted a dimmer option for your E2E. Sorry about that. Not alot of demand out there for making the E-series Surefires dimmer. You might be better off getting a dimmer light.
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Maybe an MN02?

Yes, I also think you should definitely check out the MN02. Especially if the MN03 is more output than you really need. I think you'll find the output of the MN02 to be great and the battery life will more than double. Check out the Lumen's Factory line for e-series as well. They have a nice long running bulb option.
Just got a KX2 head for my e2e Friday. Got a pretty good deal from Amazon. I love it. The 60 lumens is nice and bright and the 3 lumens is functional for just about anything. Nice white tint.
+1 on the MN02 - definitely the easiest modification, and it should put it somewhere in the vicinity of a 2-cell C or D Maglite... 25 lumens for 150 minutes, as compared to 36.5 for up to 5 hours (LOL, right - 36.5 lumens on fresh cells, n>1 lumens for 5 hours). In practice, it should be about as bright as a Mag, for most of its burn time, but nice and white and focused.
If the 60 Lumens of the E2 is to much and you want long runtime try to find the first single output KX2 head that had 45 lumens for 9hrs of 100% output. I find that it's output and thow with the TIR optic are great and the cells last me for months.
The MN02 is a very nice incan choice for color, beam quality and runtime; plus it's easy, as others have mentioned. However, it's almost as bright as the MN03 once the cells have been used a little.

I've compared my two E2e's side by side, with the two lamps and the MN03 is more yellow once the cells have been drained for a few minutes. The MN02 quickly becomes as bright as the MN03, given our eye's need for a great deal more lumens to become very noticeable.

Unless maximum output were necessary for that first ~10 minutes of use, I wouldn't bother with an MN03. The MN02 will give even more, whiter, light after the cells are more used and it more than doubles the runtime.

The MN02, however, may still be too bright. You may be looking for ~10 - 15 lumens of output. If it's mostly the runtime issue, the MN02 will last over two hours; mostly at full output, unlike the MN03.
The output of the MN02 is more comparable to a 4D Maglite than a 2D.

And the MN03 is much brighter than the MN02 and for a lot longer than 10 minutes.
The output of the MN02 is more comparable to a 4D Maglite than a 2D.

And the MN03 is much brighter than the MN02 and for a lot longer than 10 minutes.

Hence the YMMV caution which I failed to indicate. It could be my particular LA's or my eye's perception regarding the apparent light levels. Using the "~" or approximate sign meant an MN03 may be brighter for, perhaps, 20 minutes rather than 10. My metered measurement does not indicate significantly more output from my two MN03's and my eyes don't perceive THAT much more brightness after the cells have been used for "awhile".

Ampdude's observation may be more accurate than mine, which gives further credence to trying the MN02. You can always sell it for an LED drop in.