SF L4?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 24, 2004
I have a couple questions about surefire. First of all how come the KL4 is $125 while the KL1 is under $60? I mean, I tested both and they are very similar- to rephrase the question why is the L4 so expensive? Secondly, when is Surefire going to come out with a new catalogue?
-Ian Tracy-
Simmer down! I'd have answered if I could help you on either one, but I couldn't!

I'd guess that the KL4 is more expensive because of the LED. The bezel seems pretty similar, and the electronics are probably pretty close (not twice as expensive), so it's probably the LED. But I don't know for sure. .
First, I don't have any of the Surefires, yet.
The following information is based on information that is at Surefire's website.

KL1 LED head uses a 1W LED, and generates 15 Lumens.
The KL4 LED head uses selected 5W LED's, and generates 65 Lumens.
Therefore the KL4 head should be brighter than the KL1 head.

Since KL4 heads use selected higher power LED's then this MUST add to the cost. Therefore, KL4 heads are more expensive than KL1 heads.

I have no idea when the 2005 catalog is due for release. Sorry!
I dont have a 4th gen KL1, but after a year and a half of abuse, I finally returned my L4 for repair. 65 lumens is an estimate. Surefire just gave me a new KL4. It is completely white, no green!! and very bright, untill u compare it to the U2
I've got a mint KL4 available. bright and white, wo range leaning very light yellowish in center. Please PM if interested.

please note this is what color I see. you may see it different. don't want get in more trouble describing color.
Surefire_Rocks said:
I tested both and they are very similar

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry, but I really find this hard to believe. The two lights are very different. The bezel on the latest generation KL1 (4. gen.) LOOKS similar to the KL4 bezel, but that's where the similarity ends. The KL1 is a LuxIII (running at aprox. 2 watts) fitted with an optic to collimate the light into a very narrow but long throwing beam with virtually no sidespil. The KL4 on the other hand is a LuxV (running at 4-5 watts) in a reflector giving it a very bright and wide beam of light, that will light up a big area. (often referred to as "the wall of light".)


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