SF L6 going to be obsolete?


Jul 20, 2006
Irvine, CA
With the new Cree powered L5 coming out, will the L6 become just an obsolete light of SF's lineup? Numbers seem to be putting the L5 at 120 lumens for 4.5 hrs. The whole point of having the L6 over the L5 is runtime and slightly better throw (not to mention it just looks cool). But with the Cree L5 packing a claimed 20 more lumens, the throw factor will no longer be an issue. Likewise, the increases in runtime with all the Cree powered LEDs also make the L6's 3rd cell unecessary.

The new L5- Longer runtime, more output, and smaller than the L6? (yes, even though it doesn't look as cool :ohgeez:)

Why can't SF upgrade the L6 too?
KDOG3 said:
I know, they're awesome. I've often thought about getting one just to do the Seoul mod.

That's what I did, and I still get a big grin out of pushing the button every time. :D
yes, the current KL6 is obsolete, like the LuxeonV ... Lets see how the next KL6 looks like
The L6 is not featured in SureFire's 2007 Catalogs - this to me is a pretty strong indication that SureFire consider the new L5 (featuring the new KX5 bezel) to mean the L6 is effectively obsolete.

Whether or not they will release a new and better version in the future was not confirmed at SS2007 - PK said that they are not sure how to proceed with replacing the LuxeonV LED models such as the L2, L4, L5*, L6 and L7.
*IMHO what SureFire have done is re-invented the L5 rather than upgraded the KL3 or KL5 as such. If anything one could argue the new KX5 is more like an upgrade to the KL3 compared to an upgrade to the KL5...

Point is that Cree XR-E can not directly replace the LuxeonV in SureFire's reflectors to the satisfaction of SureFire and their core users so I suggest SureFire are R&D'ing even better LEDs than the Cree XR-E and SSC P4 for their larger LED models [and even TurboHeads]

So the new L5 is the only upgraded SF Cree light that uses a reflector. Is this because the reflector was found to be sufficiently deep and large enough to focus the Cree properly? I would think an L6, with its even deeper reflector, and the results posted by those who modded it, would work quite well with a Cree also. The others probably don't have deep enough reflectors maybe and they don't want to use optics as it would get away from the wall_of_light beam of the current setups maybe. Err, just taking my lunch break and thinking outloud.
the new L5 has a tir optic, as far as i can tell, a complete redesign
Man, someone with brains and money would snatch up all the KL6 heads they could find, mod them with the Seoul P4 and sell them.
Since I have neither of the forementioned brains/money, it won't be me unfortunatly.
The KX5 has a new TIR optic which is why I said it was more like an upgraded KL3 than an upgraded KL5...

PK showed us at his CPF party at SS2007 that the Cree XR-E in a KL5/U2 reflector produced beams that were too tight for the applications SureFires are used for. The KL6 & KL7 would only make this worse.
So does this mean there's any chance the L6 could sell for reduced prices as it will be discontinued? Or will the opposite happen and the L6 will become a bit of a collector's item?
dcjs said:
That's what I did, and I still get a big grin out of pushing the button every time. :D

The Cree emitter in a KL6 shoots out a ripsnorter of a beam. Really bright and runs nicely on the single 18650 in a Leef CM body. I love the heft and power of this setup.
I too have a CM modded Cree P4 KL6, and it is a humdinger. Lots of throw with great spill. Cree'd KL6 sits on a Leef 18650 body, and I am running two Powerizer RCR123's.

I hope they upgrade it either with a cree ect. led. I have always wanted one, but could not justify the price per luman level. I would gladly pay over $300 if they would up the luman level and still keep the l6's great beam.
I...I guess I'm confused.

Does it still emit light? Is it usable?

I mean, I dunno. My Lux3 lights are still bright enough to make me play lightsaber in the dark, and are more than usable. So I don't quite see how "obsolete" is the right term, here. There's good, and there's better, I suppose....
Milkyspit put one of AW's X bix Lux Vs into L6. Really a beautiful, white beam with no noticable donut. It puts out about 190 lumens, just slightly brighter than Scott's M180. I wouldn't want to put a Cree into it because it would feel like a step down.
Unless heatsinking has been improved, a lux V in a KL6 will usually drop off in output as soon as it is turned on. One of the reasons that a Cree or Seoul shines in the KL6, all that power, cool running and steady output. Cree vastly improved performmance of my KL6, compared to the previous WWOS running at 1100mA's to led.

Hey Bullzeyebill
Have you tried running the (modded) KL6 on a single 18650- it is a cool light- in every sense! I love the beam, simplicity and runtime.
Yes, I have tried an LG 18650 and it would not regulate. The way the converter is set up the KL6 stops regulating at 4 volts. So, 6 volts, 9 volts, and I think 12 volts is ok (not totally sure about 12 volts). Two RCR123's is ok around the house and property. For trips I set it up with the M3 body + A19, both bored for 18650's.
