SF P60L -> SSC P4??


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 26, 2007
While visiting the local Lowe's today picking up some toolbox liner and took a gander at the Sureire lights they always have...

And I swear up and down the leds in there (6PL and G2L) looked exactly like the SSC P4. I even got out my loose leds when I got home and took a look, and sure enough the P4's matched the look. :confused:

I haven't heard of SF going to Seoul's, and I would think that'd be big news. AM I just out of the loop? Am I going to drop $65 on a G2L tomarow?
Appearently living under a rock? Last time I considered buying one they had the luxeon in there...
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Wow, this is messed up. I never really got into the surefire thing. Expensive primaries with no rechargable options... Just looked at them briefly to get something for my glovebox. Coulda sworn back then the P60L was with a lux emitter. Perhaps my memory fails?
Next you'll be telling me I can run it on a pair of rcr123's...