sf, world class service? i think not!

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Jan 3, 2004
every time i call sf i seem to get the same couple of people. i call maybe 2 times a year if that.

today i called with two questions. i asked if there is a way to tell if a sf light has borofloat or pyrex. he put me on hold to find out! then he comes back and says the curent l4,e2dl.e2l and lx2 all use only pyrex!

then i asked why the new l4 is so much darker haIII then the old one. he said because it is black! then when i got frustrated he said "we are always glad to help" and hung up on me!

i get answers like this all the time from them. i saw somewhere here that size15's mentioned you cannot go by anything some random sf customer service rep tells you.

another joke. "all e2dl's purchased after feburary 2009 are the new 200 lumen model". well, what if your vender had an old light sitting on their shelf? it should be stated as all lights "made" after feb 2009. however there is no way of telling when the light was made. in fact i bet you can buy a e2dl today and get a 120 lumen model! if the store has old stock they did not move. in fact i know at least one store where this would be the case.

then, their manuals. the manuals have no bearing on what the light actually is. ie, them using up the 2008 packaging with the new 200 lumen e2dl's.

to me this is not world class customer service. i realise we here are mainly collectors. these are professional tools and some people may need to know a spec for sure like for hazardous areas or something.

sorry for the rant. i just feel they should straighten up these issues. they should have trained reps answering the phone and they should be concise in their manuals.
sorry for the rant.

Like most rants, it serves no real purpose beyond your own personal satisfaction. In this case, it's also off-topic.

The Cafe is for "off-topic", meaning topics other than our topical forums. This topic is too close to on-topic for our topical forums. Likely, it wouldn't survive there either.

My recommendation would be to post it in the Underground. We have a forum there specifically for the flashlight industry. You could really open up there.

We'll close it here though, as an off-topic personal rant.
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