"Shake" flashlights...need 2 for kids in Haiti


Newly Enlightened
Dec 9, 2001
Greensboro, NC
ok folks - my wife and kids and I support 2 kids in Haiti through a Christian organization in Ohio. One thing that has been recommended for them are those "eternal" flashlights or "shake" lights. I know that everyone has seen them at least in the catalog on the airplane.

Well, we know that sending them an expensive flashlight would only be helpful to them for one series of batteries as they don't have the means or ability to get replacement batteries. So, we are looking for some decent "self propelled" flashlights (like the eternal light suggested to us) that we can send to them so they can have light at night in their "home" and outside that will not have replaceable parts.

Anyone have a good source for these or have 2 extra ones around the house?

Please advise-
I got a couple of shake flashlights for my kids, and those things will wear you out.

My papaw has the same kind, but with a little "reel" like on a fishing reel that you wind and it charges. Much superior to those shake versions.

I wish I knew where it came from, but with a little research I'm sure you can find one.

Hope this helps, I wish I could have been more useful.
The Nightstar brand ones are the only ones I have found that are built well enough to actually be usable. A fairly short duration (30 sec) of shaking will give usable light in true darkness for a fairly long period of operation (~10 min). The shaking is short enough to not be so tiring that you are still tring to recover when it needs shaking again. They're a little pricey, but the only shake lights I would ever buy again.
Thanks Green, I was just thinking "gotta find that Bogo light link" when I got to your post. The Bogo light would be perfect in this application.

+1 for the Bogo light.
I'll send you mine if you like if you cover shipping. I have two shake lights that use single 5mm leds behind optics in clear plastic housings. I think they are the "eternal light" ones as they are pretty high quality for plastic flashlights. They even seem water resistant. They came two in a pack, one big one (about 2D size) and one little one (1aa size).
www.dealextreme.com carries a lot of different types of manual charge light. I don't really like the shake light as it's very diffcult to charge. Get the type that you just squeeze and charge. Will provide the link to show you once I can get into DX.
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