Shopping for P3D, But....


Jun 22, 2006
I don't know whether to order the standard or the new Q5. Is it worth the price difference? A few people here said it was difficult to see when placed side by side.

Two, where's the best price? (Doesn't somone offer a CPF discount with free shipping?)

Finally, I haven't bought batteries in a long while. Where's the best deal nowadays? Botach had an attractive price, but I don't know anything about the brand.


I said "finally," but I just thought of one more. Has any flashlight appeared in the last several months that's better than the P3D? I like the massive output of light, but I also like looooooong runtimes at lower levels. A free red filter would sweeten the pot.

Since you already like the P3D, getting the latest version with the Q5 would be more sensible move. Apart from the extra dose for the Q5 it is still doesn't cost a bomb compared to a example SF.
I used to have a standard P3D and those days I did use AW's black protected R123a rechargeables without any operating can get them on line and make way to the dealers section in the CPFMarketplace.
I'm looking for the standard 3.0 volt lithium batteries. It's for my bug-out bag. With a 10-year shelf life, it should be adequate.

I think you're right about getting the new P3D, but I've seen the older version selling for about ten dollars less. So what's the best deal?
1. I dont know what kind of LED the standard one has, but if it is a P4, I would go for the premium edition with Q5. Allthough the different isn't that big.

Put in the code cpf8 and you'll get an 8% discount, and the shipping is free.

3. Check out Botach in the jeers-section at the marketplace. Not that much good is said about them.

4. Depends on what you mean with better. There are alot of interesting lights, some might be brighter or be able to run other battery configuration. But that is up to you, what you prefer.

Just something else to think about, you might also considering getting the rebel100 version of P3D. A LOT of cpfrs rave about the tint(warmer, easier to peak out details and colours). Since it's roughly the same output as the Q5, I would consider the rebel.

EDIT: Scratch that about the rebel, just read the Lumiled Rebel recalling thread...
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Add a REBEL 100 premium option LED to make it more intersting...

The tint is a lot better!
If you're looking for quality and affordable batteries, I HIGHLY recommend the Titanium cr123s from I've been using them for 2 years now, and have always had them measured at 100% on my ZTS. There were maybe 3 or 4 that measured at 80% (out of 2 year's worth of supply). At 95 cents each, they're the only ones I'd buy for my primary needs.
I've had trouble with those titanium cells developing passivation layers and am sticking with name batteries these days.

As for flux bin: remember that whichever one you get, it will be totally obsolete after the light is in your bag for a couple years. Sort of like buying an older light now, are you going to care whether it has a P bin or Q bin Luxeon 1?

Personally I would go for a 1 cell light because of the extra flexibility of battery scrounging. Maybe even a 1AA light. If I wanted a multi-level 1aa these days I'd probably choose the Proton Pro, but that's based on reviews here, I haven't tried one myself yet.
Wonderful suggestions. Thanks.

Sanyo batteries used to be found at about a buck a pop. Are they still around?

As far as current offerings becoming obsolete, is there anything new on the horizon? Deal Extreme offers some great one-cell lights, but the problem is that they're normally one mode creatures. Of course I only need two modes, high enough for outdoor use and low, for indoor use or for reading in the dark. And strobe is great for outdoor use, too.

Thanks, again. All suggestions are welcome.
Okay, I've looked at the Rebel100 and I'm not sure what advantages there are, if any, to the older Q5, and why they stopped making the Q5 P3D. I see that the Q5 is only available in the T1. Seems like I have to do some research and check some reviews.

BTW, the Fenix Store has a terrible Search feature. It couldn't find a tree in a forest! Does anyone know if it sells the red filter for the Fenix?
Okay, I've looked at the Rebel100 and I'm not sure what advantages there are, if any, to the older Q5, and why they stopped making the Q5 P3D. I see that the Q5 is only available in the T1. Seems like I have to do some research and check some reviews.

BTW, the Fenix Store has a terrible Search feature. It couldn't find a tree in a forest! Does anyone know if it sells the red filter for the Fenix?

If your talking about the website, it worked fine for me. I found both the items your looking for with the search feature.
Thanks, Und. The search didn't turn up the T1 for some reason, and when I typed in "filter," I was immediately taken back to the cart! Anyway, too bad the filter doesn't fit the T1. I was leaning a tad towards that light. Still might get it, who knows.
the q5.
for one thing it would be brighter comparing mode for mode.

it also might upgrade you to the textured reflector.
not sure with the p3d, but the l2d did.
gets rid of the cree rings!

also, you can have increased runtime.
run it on high instead of turbo.
the light will be equal, but without peak draw, the batteries run more efficent and it draws less power.
by the way,
when i said q5, i didn't see your post about the rebel 100.
i was comparing q5 to the older cree p4.
q5 or rebel 100 are good choices.
they are equal in efficency.
see seftbuilts reviews on them.
i prefer the q5 tint, but most cpfers (and my wife) prefer the rebel100.