Flashlight Enthusiast
I was tired and the room was just dimly lit with a nightlight, so I reached for my DMM forgetting that the setting was on 10A and not voltage. I wanted to check out the remaining voltage on my 10180 (90 mah) and so I touched the leads to the batt.
3.2A or so which quickly went down to 1.9A then 1.2A within 2 seconds. It didn't occur to me yet that it was on 10A mode, so I though I didn't get good contacts on the battery with my leads, so I touched it to the battery a couple of times again.
I later realized my folly. The battery resting voltage is at 3.75v and it got slightly warm. 3A is more than 30C!! I'm wondering whether this short short-circuit would damage the battery, especially with such a high current (relative to the batt size) ?
And what exactly happens to the batt during the short-circuit? I guess If something was pulling 3A from it or if it were being charged with a pack charger with 3A, the battery is undergoing a 30C strain.
But when u short it on itself... is it charging or discharging or just passing a current in a repeated circle?
P/S I wanted to charge the battery back up to see the max resting voltage, but my damn AAA Nano bit the dust when it wasn't plugged into the socket properly. I heard a fuse or something go. Damn. Anyhoo, the AAA nano is rated around 150-200ma... is it too much for a 90mah batt?
3.2A or so which quickly went down to 1.9A then 1.2A within 2 seconds. It didn't occur to me yet that it was on 10A mode, so I though I didn't get good contacts on the battery with my leads, so I touched it to the battery a couple of times again.
I later realized my folly. The battery resting voltage is at 3.75v and it got slightly warm. 3A is more than 30C!! I'm wondering whether this short short-circuit would damage the battery, especially with such a high current (relative to the batt size) ?
And what exactly happens to the batt during the short-circuit? I guess If something was pulling 3A from it or if it were being charged with a pack charger with 3A, the battery is undergoing a 30C strain.
But when u short it on itself... is it charging or discharging or just passing a current in a repeated circle?
P/S I wanted to charge the battery back up to see the max resting voltage, but my damn AAA Nano bit the dust when it wasn't plugged into the socket properly. I heard a fuse or something go. Damn. Anyhoo, the AAA nano is rated around 150-200ma... is it too much for a 90mah batt?