should i buy it


Newly Enlightened
Oct 2, 2008
Peoria,IL USA
I have never owned an led light before because ive always been told they arent bright enough for SO work. But the Pelican 7060 really caught my attention is it really all that and should i buy it. i want a beam that will clearly light stuff up 80-100 yard away.

i own a strion which i am extreamly dissipointed in because it really dosent have the throw i need. i also have owned a stinger hp which i was extreamly disipointed in because of the rings a spots in the beam. i like my ultrastinger but its to big to carry on my 12 sometimes 16 hour shifts. my scorpion dosent have the battery life to use the whole shift but because of its size and brightness i still carry it as a backup.
im open to suggestions my budget is no more than 150$ and it has to be recheargeable them 123s are EXPENSIVE.
You can get both incandescent as well as LEDs in a wide range of Lumen/Lux outputs. Its a matter of picking the right tool for the job given your set of preferences. To say LED by default is lower Lux / Lumen than Incandescent (or vise-versa) is flat out wrong.

I don't really pick lights for their all out throw capabilities so I'll let others chime in on specific recommendations.
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A thrower LED light can throw a usable beam at 200+ yards. From what I remember, the 7060 should have no problem lighting things up at 80-100 yards away under normal circumstances.

What size do you want?
Batteries?(good CR123s can be as low as $1 each, and some lights can run RCR123s)
Multimode?(lower output, strobe, etc.)
Cradle charge or not?

A thrower LED light can throw a usable beam at 200+ yards. From what I remember, the 7060 should have no problem lighting things up at 80-100 yards away under normal circumstances.

What size do you want?
Batteries?(good CR123s can be as low as $1 each, and some lights can run RCR123s)
Multimode?(lower output, strobe, etc.)
Cradle charge or not?

nothing bigger than the stinger
something more than 60mins would be nice
cradle charge if possible this is not so important but it has to be rechergeable
it needs to be able to light up a fence line in total darkness from 300-400 feet away
the 7060 will do it easially. in my opinion it is the best light out there. If you want a metal light, the inova t4 is a good choice for your specs. the only reason that i dont want to reccomend the led stinger is because it uses a nicad battery and doesnt last near as ling as a lithium battery does. All above lights are rechargable.Go for the 7060.

The strion is a great light. It is meant to be a 20+- yard light. it has a textured reflector that is made intentionally, it is a very useful light. I agree that the stinger hp is useless because of the rings and the pencil beam when focosed.
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where would this light be primarily used? I noted that you need it for work but it isnt too clear whether the work is vehicle based or on foot. If vehicle based, you could contemplate a spotlight which plugs into the vehicle's power system and which can still retain a charge so you can carry it out of the vehicle with you.

Think that this is quite popular but unfortunately, i dont think i can find where i live.

Alternatively, a Mag3D with an aspherical lens set up and a drop in module would work to give you long throw distances. there's a link to Mag drop ins here

EDIT: oops, sorry, the Mag doesnt fit your requirement for rechargeable unless u get a Magcharger and the appropriate drop in but that may move you out of your budget range.

Another question would be: how often and for how long would the flashlight be used during your shifts? There wouldnt be much point in recommending a powerful thrower that wouldnt last through your shift. On an average, how long would you be using your flashlight during your shift?
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i work on foot. i work third shift 2300-1100 and i almost compleatly drain both my strion batteries on a shift.
sorry i meant both my Ultrastinger batteries my strion sucks see my earlier post for more details on my strion problems.
Try the 7060 and see how you like it. It seem to be the best fit that I can think of in LED form.

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