Should I replace the 320 lumen SureFire G2X Tactical on my rifle?


Apr 22, 2016
I have a SureFire G2X Tactical on my primary home defense rifle. I got it way back when in 2014-2015, so it must be the 320 lumen one. Now I've got similar sized lights that are pushing 2000 lumens

Would you replace it? Of course I almost never use it

If I do replace it, what should I replace it with?
Ya all a 2k lumen light does over a 300 lumen light is blind the user. And those lights are only 2k lumens for 25 seconds. Then they drop down to 300. So you blind yourself with daylight, then get reduced light and you can't see anymore.
My home defense flash/bang lighting tool is a 200 lumen SureFire EB1c. Nice tunnel of light that does not blind me but certainly the poor fool on the other end of the beam gets a good blast of photons.

Like vicv said, too much light shocks your eyes too.
Problem is the G2X is not rated for recoil, it's not potted. Chances are it's going to break when recoil kicks. I wouldn't trust it on a rifle for home defense. Personally I would choose a scout light (Surefire or Malkoff) or other that's designed to withstand recoil.
Problem is the G2X is not rated for recoil, it's not potted. Chances are it's going to break when recoil kicks. I wouldn't trust it on a rifle for home defense. Personally I would choose a scout light (Surefire or Malkoff) or other that's designed to withstand recoil.
I had one in a DD offset mount and it held up for a few years before I just took it off. I was shooting a few hundred rounds of 5.56/223 every single weekend and it never hurt it. You are correct though it isn't really rated as a weapon light and it isn't potted. Mine never had an issue with a light recoiling rifle. Hard to say what it would be like with something with a little recoil.
Problem is the G2X is not rated for recoil, it's not potted. Chances are it's going to break when recoil kicks. I wouldn't trust it on a rifle for home defense. Personally I would choose a scout light (Surefire or Malkoff) or other that's designed to withstand recoil.

Fired about 5000 rounds with it on there, no problem so far

I am firing suppressed, unsure if that maybe helps. It also doesn't melt, so thats good
60 lumens is tactical enough for armed professionals 300 is great! I would put a fresh set of batteries in even though Lithium is good for 10 to 20 years.
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