*Shudder* why did i do this, *WHY*?....


Nov 19, 2005
Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha, Earth, USA, New England
Ugh.... *WHY* did i do this, WHY!....

(Warning, the following thread is not for the weak stomached....)

Here at work, we have two bathrooms, a mens and womens room, since we have no female employees here, the womens room has become the employee bathroom, and the mens room our boss's "executive washroom" (actually a glorified storage closet so he can store his extra toys and other stuff)

today i brought in my Cree UVMag, mainly for fun, and partially because i was donating my Lighthound 12LED UV light to work as theirs has an LED that's starting to flicker

on a whim, i went into our bathroom, and shone the UV light around with the overheads off, typical guy bathroom, with faint yellow stains around the toilet bowl and up the walls (funny, they look so *clean* under normal flourescent lighting.....)

then i did something i wish i hadn't.....

i lifted the lid to the now unused "female sanitary products" disposal bin that was bolted to the wall......


thankfully i have a strong stomach, let me just say that the base of that stainless steel bin was *bright yellow* with accumulated fluidized waste residue


note to self....scientific curiosity is not *always* good

and no, i will not take beamshots, take my word for it, you're better off *not* knowing.... ;)



.....there are some things men are just not *meant* to know.......
I'm laughing but its a nervous laugh. I'm glad I didn't do it. :D
ahhh thaks for remiding me why I traded my UV light... Somtimes Ignorance is bliss and I am the happiest kid on the block

You are *incredibly* creepy. I see the other forums *you* frequent and always got the impression that: "Well, he's just some *DORKY* guy that really doesn't have much of a clue outside of his own little fantasy world."

*WELL* . . . . . . . . . . .

It seems that I'm *right*. I take it you've never lived with someone of the *opposite* sex? And what if you *did*? Would you go into the bathroom with one of your several flashlights and proclaim (to yourself, of course, until at a later date you could post an overly-long thread about it) "girls are gross!!" Your frequent posts about *nothing* meaningful seem to indicate a *strong* avoidance of social interaction?

Advice? I really don't have *much* to give. Living at home precludes you from bringing home *any* women. I think you're also over 30? No advice from me. You're a lost cause, my friend. Enjoy the several hobbies you have, because besides those:

Enjoy *dying* all alone.
Try taking a look at your carpet with a UV light (in dark) and you can see all of the stains and spills! Gross! Used to use UV lights for looking for cracks in metal (NDI inspections) in the Marines so of course I had to get one. My kids play with it alot too.

Thanks for sharing.....even though it was kinda gross.
mahler9, your post seems to tell us a lot about yourself. For one, it tells us that you are immature and insensitive to others, that you like to criticize not to be constructive but to destroy a community. Your post is exactly what CPF is NOT, and I would advise you refresh yourself on CPF rules.
mahler9 said:

You are *incredibly* creepy. I see the other forums *you* frequent and always got the impression that: "Well, he's just some *DORKY* guy that really doesn't have much of a clue outside of his own little fantasy world."

*WELL* . . . . . . . . . . .

It seems that I'm *right*. I take it you've never lived with someone of the *opposite* sex? And what if you *did*? Would you go into the bathroom with one of your several flashlights and proclaim (to yourself, of course, until at a later date you could post an overly-long thread about it) "girls are gross!!" Your frequent posts about *nothing* meaningful seem to indicate a *strong* avoidance of social interaction?

Advice? I really don't have *much* to give. Living at home precludes you from bringing home *any* women. I think you're also over 30? No advice from me. You're a lost cause, my friend. Enjoy the several hobbies you have, because besides those:

Enjoy *dying* all alone.
*Totally* *unnecessary*. :shakehead

On the note of the original post, I just bought a Aleph 19 UV to set epoxy with, and I'm going to try to ONLY do just that with it. :)

mahler9 said:

You are *incredibly* creepy. I see the other forums *you* frequent and always got the impression that: "Well, he's just some *DORKY* guy that really doesn't have much of a clue outside of his own little fantasy world."

*WELL* . . . . . . . . . . .

It seems that I'm *right*. I take it you've never lived with someone of the *opposite* sex? And what if you *did*? Would you go into the bathroom with one of your several flashlights and proclaim (to yourself, of course, until at a later date you could post an overly-long thread about it) "girls are gross!!" Your frequent posts about *nothing* meaningful seem to indicate a *strong* avoidance of social interaction?

Advice? I really don't have *much* to give. Living at home precludes you from bringing home *any* women. I think you're also over 30? No advice from me. You're a lost cause, my friend. Enjoy the several hobbies you have, because besides those:

Enjoy *dying* all alone.
Meh... not worth responding to....
jch79 said:
*Totally* *unnecessary*. :shakehead

On the note of the original post, I just bought a Aleph 19 UV to set epoxy with, and I'm going to try to ONLY do just that with it. :)

Good luck, *I* purchased a UV light to check currency at work to rule out fake/counterfit bills and checks, and look what's happened....

there's just something interesting about a flashlight capable of illuminating things the human eye was not designed to see, no matter *what* that might be

UV lights are useful for more than just illuminating biowaste residue, they're good for checking for counterfit currency, checking antiques for repairs and finding Depression Glass antiques (glass with 1-3% Uranium Dioxide added), supercharging watch luminescent paint, a one minute exposure to UV supercharges my Seiko Orange Monster's lume all night, the first few minutes it's bright enough to be used as a flashlight

of course, with all these cool abilities, there comes with it a temptation to see what *other* stuff flouresces, i just thought it was funny to post a thread about what many Flashaholics with UV lights do anyway....

maybe i should have used more smileys for the humor-impaired.... :)
Seems mahler9 has a history of attacking CPF posters. Check out the first couple posts from the profile. Best thing you can do is what you did...don't dignify that ignorance with a response.
If you want to see something really gross, take a UV light into a house where someone keeps a cat indoors.
Someone should dump the "female sanitary products" disposal bin in the bosses
private "executive washroom",

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