Consider whether the questionable utility of a strike bezel outweighs its known liabilities, then decide for yourself.
I've got Kiu's SS and AL strike bezels on a couple of mags, one on a 6C now. Like many here, I like the aggressive look of them, plain and simple. It's just the way I am. Still, they're not carried often, my pockets are safe. Don't really concern myself with the liabilities. See below.
For similar reasons, my forty-five pistol is loaded with standard 230 grain ball ammo.
If, God forbid, I ever have to shoot someone in self defense, I don't want to end up explaining to a jury why my pistol was loaded with "Hyper-Velocity Super-Expanding Manstopper" ammo.
RZ, I respect your point of view. But....
Don't have a 45, but if I did, it'd be loaded with potent rounds. Don't see the point in carrying "target" ammo. I have a wife and kids to protect/get home to. That's why, at this time, my .357 has either Feds' "Hydra-Shock" or Wins' "Black Talon" (voluntarily pulled by Winchester many years ago due to "bad press"). I'm not going to take the time to aim for a big toe in the hope that all ends well and I don't get sued because I was nice. Once a trigger is pulled, it's going to get ugly regardless. IMO, "Manstopper" is the point here.
Where I live just about any form of "self-defense" is not allowed for the average Joe to protect himself/family. That's ridiculous. I intend to defend, so I stear clear of trouble, and carry myself in a respectful manner regarding LEOs (plenty familiar with them). If the need arises, I'll be happy to explain what "family" means to me.
RZ, IIRC you like the 2C form factor....
Feel free to call me a "Chairborne Commando", I like my "Killer Bezels".