Silicone Valley lunch


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 8, 2004
San Jose, CA
I know we just recently had a lunch (at Chicago Pizza), but modamag and I are having lunch this Friday so we decided to post the location in case any other CPFer's would care to join us - the more, the merrier.

Date: Friday, Jan 26
Time: 11:45
Location: Grand Indian Buffet, Santa Clara, CA

It's been a while for me since I've joined in on the local CPF get-together scene. . .I'll try and make it.

Side Point: Silicone, Silicon, or Siliconcarne? :thinking:
I think I'll sit (or should I say sleep) this one out. I signed up for a graveyard shift which means I won't be waking up before noon on Friday. That and the last time we ate there the unfamiliar cuisine didn't agree with my digestive processes.

By the next lunch I hope to have an L1D to show off.
I'll be there.

BTW: I prefer silicone, more than the others.
Silicon reminds me of work, while I have no freaken idea what Siliconcarne is.
I think silicone, is refering to breast implants? So the lunch is in LA? grin. Wish I could go, but I will still be at work 35+ miles away.
I've resisted all I could :D

Silicone Valley - at the base of Twin Peaks?

Silicon Valley - ain't got none, shipped it all to China.

Siliconcarne - a barker on Bawdway in San Francisco?

CHC said:
Side Point: Silicone, Silicon, or Siliconcarne? :thinking:

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