Simple AA light, does it exist?


May 29, 2006
I'm looking for an AA light for my mom, it must have the following properties (listed in order of priority):

1. Must be powered by a single AA battery (Alkaline as well as Lithium).
2. One single level. NO modes, NO SOS, NO nothing, just on/off.
3. Clicky switch.
4. The beam should be smooth and have more spill than throw.
5. Must be around 50 lumens and have good runtime (at least one hour).
6. The light should not suddenly turn off when the battery dies (my mom will not be carrying extra batteries - trust me). A long period of stable output followed by gradual reduction in output is preferred.

The closest I have been able to find is a Fenix L1T, but it has two modes, which is a no-go - unless I can easily mod it to only have the high output mode (anyone?).

Suggestions are most welcome.
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You are not going to get an 80-100 lumen 1aa light with any good amount of runtime on an alkaline. Alkaline AA cells are just not efficient at that power level.
You are not going to get an 80-100 lumen 1aa light with any good amount of runtime on an alkaline. Alkaline AA cells are just not efficient at that power level.
OK, I see. I'm going to edit my requirements accordingly then. Around 50 lumens is probably more realistic.
Believe it or not, I've been carrying the DX Single Mode MTE Seoul every day for the past year and it has never failed me. Everything your looking for but the lumens. Very bright, awesome tint and super smooth beam. I know some call them cheap crap but mine has been about perfect.
OK, I see. I'm going to edit my requirements accordingly then. Around 50 lumens is probably more realistic.

It now says "5. Must be around 50 lumens and have good runtime (at least one hour)". I would say one hour is not good runtime for an alkaline cell, in the sense that if you drain an alkaline cell in one hour, most of the energy is being wasted in the cell's internal resistance. Alkalines are best used at discharge rates of 5 hours or more, which would mean maybe 20 lumens. This is actually quite a lot of light, i.e. it is substantially more output than a typical 2D incandescent light or the popular 2AA minimag of yesteryear.

If you can live with a twisty switch, you might try the Peak Pacific in 1AA HA pocket body with ultra power. Although, I would say that the beam is more throw oriented than what you might have in mind.

The DX MTE light Fishx65 mentioned is a great value if you get a good one, but it is kind of random, a lot of them have flaky switches and so forth.

I think there is a real lack of good lights that fit your description. 1AA lights tend to be made for users who want cheap gadgets. Connoisseurs' lights tend to use CR123A's. It also seems to be the case that reliable small clickies are hard to make. Twisties are easier.
The Fenix L1T that you mentioned can be left on high mode indefinitely. Just have the head position on high mode and leave it.
Believe it or not, I've been carrying the DX Single Mode MTE Seoul every day for the past year and it has never failed me. Everything your looking for but the lumens. Very bright, awesome tint and super smooth beam. I know some call them cheap crap but mine has been about perfect.
I see that the DX site actually have several lights which seem to fulfill most of my requirements, but I'm not sure I could gift a DX light... Maybe I'll order a few and see what they are like.

The Fenix L1T that you mentioned can be left on high mode indefinitely. Just have the head position on high mode and leave it.
I understand this. But if my mom accidentally twists the head, it could cause confusion. Is the high mode on the L1T engaged when the parts are screwed all the way in? That would surely help.
Maybe you could have a look at the Lumapower LM31/301? It is 2 mode reverse clicky but is fairly simple and efficent to use. It is my EDC light and copes well with a bit of abuse. I think you will struggle to find a decent quality single mode AA torch unless you are prepared to "mod"
The LP31 is fairly cheap as well. Consider it at least anyway. good luck.:thumbsup:
Get a Fenix L1T. Remove the head, apply some loctite to the threads and tighten it all the way. You now have a single mode light, set for high.
i have the perfect light

its about as bright as my p1d on high 17.99 at target runs off 1 AA TRUST ME this is the light for her:twothumbs

OP should beware that the Target 1AA energizer drops off a cliff when the cell depletes. It does not run in low-candle mode as the cell dumps. its otherwise a great light. My wife EDCs it daily, and her one complaint is that the light cuts out when the battery gets low. The nice thing I suppose is that it will not excessively drain NiMH cells, but it is annoying to be in the dark.

Fenix L1T or leatherman LGX-200 meet most of your criteria, although its ~90 Lumens on high. it is a multi mode light, but if you tighten the bezel down and just leave it there it will remain on high. It runs in ~10 lumen candle mode for a little when the cell depletes so theres no cliff-dive. I am not sure how tech-savy your mom is, but my wife uses mine all the time without confusion.
Yes, I have one. It's the Romisen MXDL RC-G2 from DX. I paid 11 dollars and change shipped. It's my wife's light. She likes simple.:whistle:
I bought a riverrock 1aa light at target for my mom last year. has about 60 lumens
reverse clicky
one mode
1 hour run time
small size

check out targets selection
What about the Fenix L1T? I know you said "no modes" but you can effectively use it as a single mode by not playing with the bezel. Fully tightened for high mode (approx. 100lm for 1.5hrs on NiMH) or just barely slightly not completely tight for low, tail clicky does simple on-off...
The L1T is tighten = high, loosen = low.

Is 2AA a bit big? There are a few decent-good quality lower priced 2AA lights that might work.
What about the Fenix L1T? I know you said "no modes" but you can effectively use it as a single mode by not playing with the bezel.

I would interpret "no modes" as meaning "no modes", not "multiple modes but you don't have to use them all". :D

Edit: wow, Battery Junction still has some L1p's left? That was one of the most significant lights in CPF history, and it comes pretty close to filling the OP's requirements. I'm tempted to grab one since I gave mine away years ago. But, it will drain alkalines pretty fast, and its output with the stock Luxeon led is probably around 25-30 lumens. Some people have modded them with Seoul leds for more output.
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LiteFlux LF5XT

Can be set for any number of modes you desire. (1 thru 5).

You can also set that (one) mode to any desired brightness.

Plus, it is Very Well Made, and has the most

Beee-uuu-teee-fulll beam i've EVER seen from a Cree emitter !


This is one of my favorite flashlights !

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