Simple fix for rubber grips.


Newly Enlightened
Nov 4, 2007
Hi all. Brand new member here at Candlepower, but a long time member over at DVDTalk for those who are familiar with it. I'm not a flashaholic, and I doubt I ever will be……but I'd like to make one small contribution which I think many members here will benefit from.

I've noticed a lot of people have been complaining about rubber grips slipping or becoming loose (ala Lowes Task Force 3W CREE). I used to experience this a lot as a kid riding BMX bikes. My grips would slip and slide all over the handlebars, especially if chrome polish got underneath the rubber. A really quick, cheap, and easy solution. Remove the rubber grip. Spray some hairspray in the rubber tube. Quickly slide it back on. Once the hairspray dries…..the grip will be frozen in place. Oh, and remember to wash off any excess. ;)

Sorry if this is in the wrong forum but (mods please move in necessary). I hope my advice helps out!

Cheers. :grin2:
Works okay, but if it gets damp it gets slippery as soap.. I forget now what I started using on grips, it's been about 12 years since I replaced mine last. :eek:

I just call in the past that the grip gets a little loose and gets some water in there and it just slides all around after. But I suppose at that point you could just remove it, clean, reapply.