You'll want to make a distinction between the "crush your battery" and the spring loaded type twisty switches.
IMO, the spring loaded type is better because it doesn't try to conduct electricity through the threads (it touches the end of the battery tube directly to the PCB) and so can't develop contact problems due to dirty threads (check
this thread). It accommodates more battery lengths, can have smoother anodized threads, and won't rattle when off.
The Gerber Infinity and X1 are spring loaded twisties, although all 3 of my X1's eventually developed contact issues because the pushbutton plate they added in the tail somehow kept shifting to make contact with the body iffy. The Gerber Infinity is good if you're not looking for a high brightness light (but it has a 10 hr+ runtime).
I believe all Peaks are the crush-your-battery type twisties, as is the Jetbeam CLE. My CLE's worked OK except you had to keep the threads clean to prevent flicker which screwed up the mode switching.
They're not AAs, but all the Fenix AAA lights are spring loaded twisties and mine have been very reliable. The closest match to what you asked for is the (Fenix made) Civictor V1 which is one of my favorite lights. Unfortunately, it comes only in a Luxeon, is discontinued, and hard to find.
Good luck.