SL-20X Stuck Battery


Newly Enlightened
May 7, 2009
I have an old SL-20X that has the battery corroded and stuck in body. I have tried coca-cola, and prying with a screwdriver with no success. Any other ideas on how I might get the battery out? If not are there any parts worth canabalizing to use on a mod?

Take the tail cap off, and using the head as a grip, hit the body against something like a tree, wooden fence post, etc. It should get the stick dislodged...
I think there is room to pass a rod under the switch if you remove the bezel, reflector/ bulb assembly, and use that as a way to drive it out.
There is a wedge under the switch that holds it up tight against the body. All it would cost is a switch and new battery. Jeez, as I read this it seems like a stupid idea, and this from a man that builds flashlights, I'm tired.....:tired:
I did forget to mention beating it against a piece of oak 6 x 6 in all directions. I will try again to take the head apart (possible sacrificing the switch) and see what I come up with. I have taken the reflector out before, but I don't remember seeing anything too obvious. I will look harder.

Next option might be a small toggle bolt nut on a piece of threaded rod and drill a hole in the battery.

Thanks again
Call the factory and see if they have a suggestion. This probably isn't the first time they have had the question asked.

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