Slip-on or Flip-up Diffuser for LxD


Newly Enlightened
Aug 25, 2006
I received my L2D a few days ago. While the throw is nice in some situations, flood is better in others. I want a diffuser that slips on or flips up so I can change the beam pattern to suit the circumstances quickly and easily. The Fenix head is only about .85" (21.5 mm) in diameter, which rules out scope covers and the Surefire diffuser.

Does anyone make a diffuser or a cover that can be modified into a diffuser that will fit this light? I haven't found a bottle cap or other convenient item that fits. Even if I do I'd prefer something a bit more classy for long-term use.

I want fairly heavy diffusion, at least as floody Press'n Seal. A white plastic grocery bag stretched tight and held on with a rubber band gives a wide flood pattern. How do the LDF lenses from compare?
I have a lens from them for my 4D Mag. It gives you a diffuse center spot if you want it, or you can use focus to eliminate it and get a more diffuse beam. Along with the adjustable center "spot" you get a wide dimmer flood that is about 120 degrees. The entire wide beam with brighter center area is great for walking at night.
Yeah, a wide beam is excellent for walking or close up work. With the plastic bag material rubberbanded on it had excellent coverage. Quite handy.

I've spent more time looking and still haven't found any flip covers small enough. I'll probably have to make one (or several) that slips on.
Have you seen Nlite's thread? Do a search on "Lxd diffuser". Seems like a pretty clever idea. Pix included.:grin2:

Edit: Do a CPF search on "L1D diffuser":sweat:
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Thanks. Neat idea for a candle, but I want something more akin to a removable frosted lense.

I found that the top of a plastic 20oz Coke bottle (the bottle itself, not the cap) provides a nice press fit on the L2D. The light has to be inserted from the bottle side. A relatively clear lid can then be screwed on for diffusion. However, the whole setup is too bulky. Unless I find better tubing at the hardware store I'll probably file the threads off and glue some plexiglass (or an LDF lense) on the end. While not fancy, it would be low profile, cheap and easily replaceable.
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