Slippery Lights


Newly Enlightened
Nov 7, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Hi Everyone,

After reading a lot of great info here, I purchased some great flashlights (Surefire ED2,Fenix L1D, L2D). I love my new tools! However, though the Surefire can be held with no problem, my Fenix lights are quite slippery to grip for me.

Does anyone know or even use grippy tape of some sort? And if so, can you recommend a certain kind? Tennis tape? Hockey Tape? etc...


I have not used it, but search for "gaffer tape". I hear it is the best for this, but I think it is a little pricey. A few o-rings snapped over the body won't hurt for grip, either. I like a lanyard in any sort of risky environment, slippery finish or not.
Oh, just to clarify, the L2D is good to hold since its longer and can grip ice pick style, but the L1D is smaller and harder to hold for me hammer grip... thanks!

I use tennis head tape to cover the head and tail. It prevents unnecessary dings to the light, and provides additional grip as well.

You can find tape like this at your local sporting goods store for $3 or $4. Works great!!!
Try either a length of an old bicycle inner tube, bicycle handlebar foam grip, or friction tape. Friction tape will smell for a few days, so leave it someplace well ventilated and that will pass. All work well, are removable, and are pretty darned cheap.
If you do a search for slippery fenix there have been several good threads with lots of pictures showing the various approaches.
I usually use about 3 o-rings (2 normal, 1 glow) to get a grip. It is nice if you don't want bike tube all over your light. I get great cigar grip this way, and it keeps it in the hand.

This is if you like to keep your lights looking close to stock, but kinda neat. If you don't care, cover it with a bunch of o-rings. Works great!
This might have been mentioned under another name, but I use the friction tape that hockey players wrap their sticks with. It is grippy and adheres well, but you can take it off without leaving residue behind if you want. I picked some up at Champ Sports next to the hockey sticks.

I'm sorry, I've thrown away the package, so I'm not sure what the brand is.

I used some spray-on truck bedliner I got on a walmart clearance rack on a mini-mag, and it seemed to work pretty well. Don't use it if you want a reversible mod, though. It's pretty hard to get off again. I'll take a pic and post it if I get time.
Heat shrink tubing also works and is availible in different sizes and colors.
Heat shrink tubing also works and is availible in different sizes and colors.

I never though of using it for something like that, even though I have a box full of it (from the 3M employee store) sitting in my workshop. Looks like you gave me a solution for those slippery pliers I've been getting annoyed at for so long :D
A paracord wrap could also be used on the body, or just as a ring near the back of the body.
A paracord wrap could also be used on the body, or just as a ring near the back of the body.
Sort of like this:


or even like this:

Hey Fenix ! ! !

Kindly put More Knurling on your L1D-CE and L2D-CE flashlights.

Let's see if they're listening . . . .

Hey Fenix ! ! !

Kindly put More Knurling on your L1D-CE and L2D-CE flashlights.

Let's see if they're listening . . . .


+1, more knurling please.

Tight innertube is what I have done on My L2D. Works well but wash it well first to get rid of the smell.