Small/Bright 4AA


Nov 24, 2001
Garland, Tx.
Any thoughts on why Surefire or Maglite don't come out with this? 4 AA lithium cells would give the necessary voltage to run a bright xenon-type bulb and would provide more run-time than 123 type cells while maintaining a still-convenient light. Maybe a conversion of the Bass Pro LED light back to incandescent is the immediate answer....thoughts? I'm thinking specifically of an aluminum tube light
You know, Eneriger has a 4 AA flashlight:

(tried to show the picture, but to no avail, here is the web site

Might make for a nice body for a modification.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tesla:
4 AA lithium cells would give the necessary voltage to run a bright xenon-type bulb and would provide more run-time than 123 type cells <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Surefire is tactical/poilice/military oriented. Lithiums are very light,all-temperature long storage batteries- ideal for field conditions. Also changing 2 lithium batteries in the field is much quicker than 4 alkalines.

If Surefire decided to produce a line of civilian-oriented lights (the E2 is a gesture in that direction) then the 4 AA idea might be viable for them. Until then I doubt that they'd be interested. Maglite seems a more likely possibility, though they seem committed to their present tube configuration.
