Small(ish) custom quality light?


Newly Enlightened
May 27, 2024
Hello all: Getting back into lights after about a 10 year hiatus. Looking for a pocketable light, preferably Ti (not an absolute must), that basically is an improvement (CRI and output) over lights from 10+ years ago! Still have a few McGizmos from back then (no clue what emitters tho, unfortunately) but that is similar to what I'm looking for. Prefer more of a thrower, if possible. I'm sure someone here can help me!

Emisar may have a few Titanium choice options for you, depending on how fancy you are feeling (such as getting a Ti "colorful").

For throwy emitter, I keep seeing the 519A being recommended. Don't have any personal experiences with that one, as I prefer floody lights (and for flood, it's E21A 3500K all the way for me).

For just plain throw (no hCRI or fancy alloy body), the Sofirn IF22A was a big surprise for me.
Some current offerings from Dawson Machine Craft, CWF, Okluma, and the Prometheus Alpha might be up your alley.

There's more Ti customs out there, but triples have become so ubiquitous now, and they are mostly flood. Sounds like you are looking for a single emitter w/ a reflector.