Snow globe recalled for starting fires

Yes, only to a smaller extent. The 17" statue has a large enough globe to be a significant collector of sunshine. I've never heard of a snow-globe fire until this happened.
Back around 1994, my aunt gave my parents a 10" glass snow globe for Christmas. We set it on top of a pine stereo cabinet in front of a south-facing window. Sure enough, two days later the stereo cabinet caught on fire.
Back around 1994, my aunt gave my parents a 10" glass snow globe for Christmas. We set it on top of a pine stereo cabinet in front of a south-facing window. Sure enough, two days later the stereo cabinet caught on fire.

Yow!!! :eek: Hopefully it was caught before anything else caught fire?
My father told of being in bed on a boat with a glass globe on the flagpole at the bow. The bed on teh other side of teh cabin started to smolder