Snow in the south


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 22, 2001
Graham, NC
This is the first snow in the area in about 7 years. I measured a 1" total that came down in 3 ½ hours. My wife and I took the dogs outside for their first snowfall. We all had a good time.

Does anyone else have any snow pictures from today's event?




Nice pics, sunspot. It turned out to be kind of a bust around here. Looks like you got a bit more snow than we did. Still nice.

I am jealous. If it were to precipitate now, I think we may get some snow. But no rain around unfortunately. Its the coldest its been all year, 28 degrees. I really want to go on a walk, and may still before I go to bed.

I cant wait until I live somewhwere where snow is a novelty - you folks are so lucky to not have to put up with it, or the continuous cold.

Really, it's not too bad here I have a relative living in Buffalo - that's snow country.

Sunspot, I have to have a dog with longer legs and other than white fur so she dont get lost when it snows ;-).
It got to right around 20 here last night. I had my window open about 1.5" and by around 6AM a sheet, blanket and comforter was almost not enough!

The ground had a layer of frost and looked pretty nice.

Snow would most definately be a novelty here!!!
PJS, it was 18 here last night. We already had a 14 a few weeks ago. Anything less than 30 is too cold for me.

This was a perfect snow day. Gentle snowfall, lasted 4 hours, no power loss and it melted on the roads as soon as it landed. It was 51 the day before.