So buy Fenix now - or wait for Jetbeam / Rexlight ??


Sep 10, 2004
Desperate to get my hands on a new Cree light ..... but am no longer in a position to follow the CPF motto of "buy both" !!

What is everyone here choosing ?

Looks like February is gonna put a smile on my face .... and not because of Valentines Day !! :D
Buy now and sell it later if you don't like it. You'll get most of your money back.
Since Fenix doesn't know how to make a smooth beam with their reflectors yet, I vote against the more expensive Fenix.

My last Fenix had it's emitter way off center. The one before that had loose threads. The one before that had terribly matched color head to tail. I'm ready for some better quality... but don't know if Jetbeam and Rexlight have it yet.
Perfectionist said:
Desperate to get my hands on a new Cree light ..... but am no longer in a position to follow the CPF motto of "buy both" !!

What is everyone here choosing ?

Looks like February is gonna put a smile on my face .... and not because of Valentines Day !! :D

i ordered one of those Jetbeam C-LE's that were supposed to ship on Jan 7th or 8th or something like that but won't go out for another two weeks

do I wish i waited and purchased a product that actually exists and someone had tried one? you bet

there's no points on CPF for being the 1st one to get something, only for having the most awesome lights =)
I would just wait for some reviews to pop up. The Fenix seems to be the nicest one IMHO but a bit to pricey. The rexlight looks like a bargain, but the UI seems to be a bit cumbersome. Haven't heard anything about jetbeam yet, except for the preproduction twistie.
The Fenix P1D-CE is over priced, no doubt, But I ordered one anyway, to arrive this week. There is no real competition for the P1D-CE, not even on the horizon.

The Rexlight may turn out to be a quality product, but I prefer the design of the P1D-CE. In particular, the shorter length, and the wider lens. Single CR123A/RCR123A cells are the best match for Cree XR-E LED's, so that was the deciding factor for me.
EngrPaul said:
Since Fenix doesn't know how to make a smooth beam with their reflectors yet, I vote against the more expensive Fenix.

My last Fenix had it's emitter way off center. The one before that had loose threads. The one before that had terribly matched color head to tail. I'm ready for some better quality... but don't know if Jetbeam and Rexlight have it yet.

Similar experience here. My P1D CE has loose thread as most have commented about this. My L1S has water condensation behind the glass and it got so bad that at time I could not see the LED. One of my smaller AAA Fenix has a dark spot (glue) on the LED dome :ohgeez:.
I would wait a bit to see the reviews from different cree-lights first. So far, the Fenix quality is below average for the price, but I like the L1D function though.
I have an order in for a jetbeam, but I am sort of regretting having done that after all of the delays.
So, I'm sitting on my mountain.... errr anthill of cash and waiting before I buy the others. I like the setup of the fenix lights, but I'm not jumping until I see some beamshots. The Rexlight looks interesting, and I'm quite tempted by the lumapower lights. I'm waiting another week or two.
If you ordered through a group buy, you can always sell your spot to another CPF member. I know there are a few looking on x2x3x2's group buy.

PhantomPhoton said:
I have an order in for a jetbeam, but I am sort of regretting having done that after all of the delays.
So, I'm sitting on my mountain.... errr anthill of cash and waiting before I buy the others. I like the setup of the fenix lights, but I'm not jumping until I see some beamshots. The Rexlight looks interesting, and I'm quite tempted by the lumapower lights. I'm waiting another week or two.
I didn't get into the group buy. I did a direct order from emilions workbench. Its okay though, it will be a quality light, just not here in time for a lot of traveling I'll be doing thru February. I was putting stock in having a nice cree light to play with, but Jetbeam seems to have other plans.
Personally i'll wait for some reviews.
I don't really know yet, maybe i'll go for a somewhat more expensive costum as a new Cree-using EDC.
I'd be hoping for something with a real low and a easily accessible high, and i can't see such a light in a slim 1-2 AA's loaded package on the horizon yet.
I have placed an order for a Fenix L1 CE to replace my L1T that i sold a week ago to my grandmother who wanted a good flashlight because her old cheap flashlight broke down :D
Yep, to my grandmother :)

On the other hand, she isnt that old and is an ex-police (retired last summer) and loves good equipment ;)

In fact she bought that L1T, a Elektrolumens Blaster 3P, a Ghost II and some of the
dealextreme keychain lights from me after she got to try out my whole flashlight
collection a dark swedish winternight ^_^, before that she only had one of those
cheapie NiCad 10w rechargable spotlights that was about 10 years old and the
batterys was nearly dead...

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