So i decied to do a runtime for E0 dart with a dead battery


Oct 12, 2007
So I was reading the vampire thread about lights that can run on dead batteries. So I decided to try my Fenix EO dart. The battery is a 'dead' AAA Energizer industrial akaline with an expiration of 2011 I had sitting around.

I placed the battery inside, turned it on and started the timer. So far it has run 11 hours and 40 minutes and it still has useful output!

I have no light meter or voltmeter so no fancy readings. I had to leave so turned the light off, will continue it tonight. I would have carried the light on with me, but would not get to check it. Also the light had no heat buildup.
Yup that is the one. Wanted to see how useful EO was, plan to try Jetbeam CL-E V2 next if I can find a dead AA. I think I can run it on low mode...
18 hours and still going... light output decreased around the 12 hour mark...Has useable light still in the dark. An interesting change is beam color... Now it is yellowish green...
So my smart *** decided to turn off and turn on the light for no reason in 19 hours and 21 minutes. Well after that the light refused to turn on. I then removed battery and waited 2 minutes. Placed it back in and bam we have light again! So now carrying on, wow great to see it go so long! The output has diminished and would only be useful in dark situations.
Well after 26 hours and 15 minutes it is still going! Albeit very dim, I could still use it in a dark room.
I did a similar test with Peak Matterhorn forerunner and it was still glowing after something like 100 hours. Test is in the reviews section if you search back a ways.
I did a similar test with Peak Matterhorn forerunner and it was still glowing after something like 100 hours. Test is in the reviews section if you search back a ways.

I will have to look that up. keep in mind this test was done using a depleted cell. Well after 26 hours I got bored and stopped the test. At this point the LED was glowing. When I let the cell rest, it then became brighter. So there you have it!

Wonder how it would do on a new battery... Hmmm..

Off to look for the Peak thread.

Great to know that the E0 will save the day (night ;)) when SHTF, even with ''bad'' batteries :)
I was thinking about buying an EO as small emergency light but was hainvg second thoughts until reading this thread.:)
I have a EO I keep in a small survival kit and this is why. Also I did something similar with my Jetbeam C-LE V2. Sorry I didn't time it. I worked down to about .7 Volts. All modes were the same at this point. Good info to have.
I'm hoping Fenix will not totally discontinue the E0 and maybe do an upgrade. A DS Nichia would be enough. Maybe a few cosmetic changes, too.


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