So I finally added a titan to the collection


Newly Enlightened
Dec 13, 2008
So I finally added a titan to the collection. Honestly a nice light but I was not overly impressed. After a 2 week period it is slowly growing on me but I do not find myself looking for it as my daily carry light. It is just not bright enough for daily applications and is somewhat boring as far as features go. After picking up the Nitecore product line: the extreme SS, defender infinity, d10 and ex10 I find I would like to use the extreme SS as a daily use light and have the other 3 ready at hand. I am forcing myself to carry the titan just to justify the purchase. Or I can put in it a little glass case and admire it on my mantel as a collector's piece. Either way if you can afford to blow a few bucks then I suggest acquiring one before it's too late ! Ultimately it's a great light to add to your collection if that is the only intention.
Welcome to CPF, tgbydesign. Sounds like you've been with us for quite a while in spite of only one post. Don't be such a stranger. :wave:

thanks for the warm welcome Flying Turtle! I will definitely be posting here in the future. This is such a great community. I am waiting for some new products to be delivered. I will be sharing my thoughts as soon as I review them.
:thumbsup:So I finally added a titan to the collection. Honestly a nice light but I was not overly impressed. After a 2 week period it is slowly growing on me but I do not find myself looking for it as my daily carry light. It is just not bright enough for daily applications and is somewhat boring as far as features go. After picking up the Nitecore product line: the extreme SS, defender infinity, d10 and ex10 I find I would like to use the extreme SS as a daily use light and have the other 3 ready at hand. I am forcing myself to carry the titan just to justify the purchase. Or I can put in it a little glass case and admire it on my mantel as a collector's piece. Either way if you can afford to blow a few bucks then I suggest acquiring one before it's too late ! Ultimately it's a great light to add to your collection if that is the only intention.
Hi tgbydesign, :wave:

I am a noobie, and am awaiting delivery on an EX10. I hope I've made a good purchase:duck:, I am keen to hear your thoughts on the EX10 especially as you have the while nitecore line :eek:oo: and how it compares to their other models. I also have a Fenix LD10 to compare with it.


So I finally added a titan to the collection. Honestly a nice light but I was not overly impressed. After a 2 week period it is slowly growing on me but I do not find myself looking for it as my daily carry light. It is just not bright enough for daily applications and is somewhat boring as far as features go...

tgbydesign -- If at some point you do decide to part with your Titan, I know that Peter [ kaichu_dento ] is in the market to purchase one. I told Peter that I'd be on "Titan-watch" for him. :cool:

I wanted to get one but didn't have a chance.

Now so many months later I am glad I didn't. I also see it more as a collector's light, if it was cheaper then sure I'd have one and use it.

I prefer the boring predictible UI however.
I saw some at SHOT this year, and the prefered way to carry was via neck lanyard. Always with you, and can be out of the way under your shirt when not being used.
