So I suddenly have a rather large stockpile of Energizer Ultimate Lithiums


Newly Enlightened
Jul 24, 2007
I'm wonder what you guys think of my situation - primarily, whether I should hold on to these or sell about half.

Due to TWO providential spelling mistakes (one on my part, one on the seller's part), I just purchased 40 brand new in box Energizer Ultimate Lithiums for $50 shipped on ebay. Accidentally spelled it Ultlimate and found the auction with no bids at all!

First, I don't think these are the latest based on the packaging. Am I correct?

If these aren't the latest, they should still work fine for long term storage, right?

Anyway, from what I can tell, this is a pretty good deal. They are still sealed in packaging with an expiration date of 2022 or better according to seller (who has thousands of positive feedback). I did get a deal here, correct?

Secondly, I'm debating selling half of them just to reduce the cost some. I can't imagine needing 40 of them as most of my lights run on rechargeable 14500's, and I plan on getting eneloops for those that don't. The main reason I bought them was because I wanted 4 to keep in my car as spares (which sees 0 degree temperatures regularly), 2 to keep in the light in the car (barely ever used), and then 8 to keep in an emergency kit.

How many of these do you guys keep around? Assuming some natural disaster doesn't happen, I really can't see me using them - but with their shelf life they could come in handy eventually. Are they really usable for 10 years plus?

What would you do if you were me?
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I'd keep them. Such a long shelf life means you'll be set and not have to buy any for a while. It sound like you got a really good deal.
That price is pretty good ($1.25/cell) though not a huge savings in the scheme of things (compared to maybe $1.75 from regular dealers). You could sell some on BST but after postage and PP fees you'd probably break even at best. Also as with anything from fleabay I'd be concerned about the possibility of fake cells. Might be worth doing a discharge test on a cell or two if you know someone who has an analyzer. There are a few CPF'ers with that equipment who are into testing cells and who might be willing to do it.
I think you got a good deal.

Based on your specified current needs, you've already used up almost half of them with your allocations.

I'd say keep them....
I have a similar amount of Energizer lithiums around (about 30 AAs and 30 AAAs). In retrospect I shouldn't have bought so many, especially AAAs because I don't go through many of them. But with their long shelf life I don't see much reason not to keep them around. It's nice to have a good supply of quality batteries around because you never know when you'll need to use a bunch of AAs. Comes in handy.

I've started using some of mine in other (non-flashlight) things here and there to make sure it doesn't take me 20 years to go through my supply.

Also I've started replacing most of my light batteries with them in the winter, (even though I have rechargeable cells available) just because it gets really cold around here and I like knowing that these will still perform.
You might see if any local family or friends would be interested in them, to avoid the whole shipping issue. One of the advantages for portable electronics is the lighter weight compared to most other AA chemistries, which can be quite noticable in many new devices.

I use a set of 4 as a cold weather / away-from-charger backup in a camera, with NiMHs in an attached pack being used first. The camera is much lighter with the lithiums.
You might see if any local family or friends would be interested in them, to avoid the whole shipping issue.
That's a pretty good idea, I think that I'd give some away this way. You may have friends who currently have alkalines in their clocks, remotes, etc. If you saved your friends one or two leaks: more good Karma for you. :thumbsup:
I guess like many things, I'm an over-achiever. I've got ~75-100 lithium 123's. In my defense, I don't use rechargeables, guess maybe i should look into getting some.
I'm addicted to them.

I use them in everything.
My camera flash, my son's toys, the remote controls.

I love how light they are and how long they last.

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