So, is no one interested in building a headlamp?

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I've made a few. For example, ripped the guts out of a US$3, 7 LED, 3xAAA light, put a K2 or Cree with optics or reflector, and a regulator (home made or more recently from DX or KD) with a two position switch, mounted it on the front of a helmet, run wires to the back and mounted 4xAA cells there. And then (sequentially) taken them caving, of course.
I mod existing ones sometimes, but it is just swapping out LEDs for better ones. I have ideas that I'd like to try out for my own designs but it would require machining an aluminum housing which I have absolutely zero capability to do.
Headlamps are much more difficult to do than flashlights imo. :(
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