So my Ti Q123 mini just died, a last


Newly Enlightened
Nov 9, 2009
What would be a quality wise replacement for a key chain, A123 battery format EDC light? I'm looking for something that will last, I cant believe my 10year old solitaire outlives a $60 light for the same roll. I'm safe to say money is no object, but need's to be priced accordingly.

How long did the Quark last and what was the failure that finally killed it?

Just wondering what to watch out for, I carry a Quark Mini Titanium AA and also own a 123 like yours.
Did you drop it very hard or perhaps run it on high for a long time on a table or something without your hand to heat sink it? Any idea why it died, or were the circumstances mysterious? Just curious.

Regardless, you should 47's. They may simply replace it for you. Can't hurt to check in with them at any rate.

In regards to your question though, if you are looking for something similar to the qmini but famous for its quality and sturdiness, the first thing that comes to mind is getting an RA twisty or clicky.

I would contact 47's first though.
I ordered a quark mini ti on saturday and the order is still "processing".
I've read dozens of quality control issues with this light since then and am very tempted to cancel my order and get something like a Fenix PD10 instead.

I don't want to blow $86 AUS on a potential lemon :thumbsdow
I EDC my 123ti and have had no problems. Did anything out of the ordinary happen to it? I really like mine and would like to know what happened to yours? I'm sure 47s would fix any defect. If you want to try a different brand I would suggest Fenix. They have great build quality and lots of EDCs to choose from. I hope it all works out for you:)
I've just updated my order from a 4Sevens quark mini 123 ti to a Fenix PD10

Hopefully the staff at 4Sevens will catch my order soon enough to change it :(
I ordered a quark mini ti on saturday and the order is still "processing".
I've read dozens of quality control issues with this light since then and am very tempted to cancel my order and get something like a Fenix PD10 instead.

I don't want to blow $86 AUS on a potential lemon :thumbsdow
Dozens? On the Ti version? Are you aware of how many are out in the world? I have 4 ti, 2 123 and 2 CR2 and they are flawless.
The 2 Al vers I have work great too.
Of course you are free to do what you wish.
Probably drop it very hard. Run it on high on primary or worse, a RCR for too long without heat sinking it. That's what comes to mind. But contact 4sevens and maybe they can replace it.
Wow! sorry to hear that:thinking: I am very suprised.I have EDC'd my Ti Q123 since it arrived almost a year ago. I even run it on rCR123s with no problems at all! I am very sure 4 Sevens will make it right.

to those folks thinking about Fenix over Quark I have been buying Fenix lights since they appeared. and have EDC'd quite a few no complaints at all. This being said there was a time when 4 Sevens was a most important distributor in NAmerica for Fenix. After years of working with them 4 Sevens created their own line Quark. I got the impression that Quark encompassed the lessons learned from Fenix and took things to the next level with Quark. I have been even happier with the Quarks than the Fenixs. nothing at all wrong with Fenix, Quark IMHO takes it to the next step. contact/ call 4 sevens & they'll make it right.
Dozens? On the Ti version? Are you aware of how many are out in the world? I have 4 ti, 2 123 and 2 CR2 and they are flawless.
The 2 Al vers I have work great too.
Of course you are free to do what you wish.

I EDC a Quark Mini Titanium AA and after only a few weeks of service, it developed contact issues (skipping modes, needing to tighten the head excessively tight to turn it on).

The CR123 version that I have, on the other hand, has had no issues.

Sorry to burst your bubble but I too have read several other threads about people having contact issues and mode skipping, as well as complaints about loose threads, and other general quality control issues such as debris under the lens, etc.

Doesn't mean it's not a good light, I still EDC mine (after fixing it). It wasn't worth my time to send it in when I could fix it myself.

After all this is not an "expensive" light per se, nor a prestige brand known for utmost quality like Surefire, Ra, etc. It's good though and way cheaper than the "premium" brands.
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I just want to hear how it died!

Me too, it's driving me crazy! Where are you Jefierro? :thinking:

You also didn't say if the light was still under warranty...

Hey will you send me your broken mini, maybe I can fix it and use it :D
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In regards to your question though, if you are looking for something similar to the qmini but famous for its quality and sturdiness, the first thing that comes to mind is getting an RA twisty or clicky.

From the OP's sig line it looks like he already has a couple RA's. For some reason I am having a brain fart on what light would be comparable in price and size but be more reliable than a Quark Ti 123 mini.
A quick contact with 4Sevens CS should get you a quick solution to the problem. I had a malfunctioning Fenix replaced by them a while ago with no problems what so ever.

Considering how old the oldest MiNi's are then this will still be in warranty with 4sevens - what have they said when you contacted them about it?

Personally, I think this is a another troll thread bashing 4sevens.
Me too, it's driving me crazy! Where are you Jefierro? :thinking:

You also didn't say if the light was still under warranty...

Hey will you send me your broken mini, maybe I can fix it and use it :D

It just died, lived a miserable life too, fill with issues. I won't say more, this is for a new light not if I want to fix the old one, nor if I care to.. Thanks for caring anyhow.

McGizmo Sapphire :grin2:

Thanks for the only recommendation in a bunch. But it needs to be A123. Cool light though.
Thanks for the only recommendation in a bunch. But it needs to be A123. Cool light though.

What do exactly want? I guess you're looking for the same type as the MiNi, small and twisty?

The best is the Muyshondt Nautilus probably, available on the BST, even in titanium. There's also the BiTz, same as the Nautilus, no new ones available anymore, but also in alu or titanium

You can also have a look at the Fenix PD10 if that suits your expected quality.

For the rest I only know about the JIL, but they are CR2, not CR123A. The JCR2 has a very floody and nice beam (P4), solid build, the JIL2 is a little titanium jewel. In CR2, there is also the Muyshondt Aeon, also a little jewel, very bright! :wave:
What do exactly want? I guess you're looking for the same type as the MiNi, small and twisty?

The best is the Muyshondt Nautilus probably, available on the BST, even in titanium. There's also the BiTz, same as the Nautilus, no new ones available anymore, but also in alu or titanium

You can also have a look at the Fenix PD10 if that suits your expected quality.

For the rest I only know about the JIL, but they are CR2, not CR123A. The JCR2 has a very floody and nice beam (P4), solid build, the JIL2 is a little titanium jewel. In CR2, there is also the Muyshondt Aeon, also a little jewel, very bright! :wave:

Thanks allot I'll look into those lights.
I just want a nice keyring for my car keys that I can be proud of, also I want a light to be a backup for my backup :) for when I trail hike 2 times a week. some times up to 2 hours in the pitch black night :twothumbs.

The Ti Muyshondt Aeon my just fill the bill, or my CC, ouch!. Worth it ?
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edit: Never mind, I found your story about what happened to the Quark

I have had the same issues with my Quark Mini Titaniums, but one thing I found is that sometimes the problem is caused by an accumulation of debris in the threads.

In my case, the lights came with a BLACK oring and I find that over time, the black oring gets worn down, creating a gooey black substance that clogs the threads. The black goo appears to be made of chewed up oring and lube (I use the Deoxit that came with the lights).

Just last night, after using my Quark Mini Titanium for a couple hours on a wiring project, it was getting bad enough that it was skipping modes like crazy and I could hardly make it turn on without really tightening the head hard. Sure enough, after I opened it up, pulled off the oring and cleaned the threads with electronics cleaner, the light was working flawlessly.

One thing I am trying now is I took one of the clear orings from my Maratac AA, which seem to be tighter orings, and put that on in place of the black oring. I want to see if the clear oring holds up better to wear and doesn't produce black crud.

Just a disclaimer, I don't know for sure if the black crud in the threads is worn oring material, that is just a guess. I don't know what color the surface oxidization of titanium is, for example, maybe that's what it is? I don't know.
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