So, what flashlights have your family adopted as their own?


Jan 22, 2007
Virginia, USA
My wife disapproves slightly of my flashaholism (don't they all?), but that didn't stop her from absconding with my green-tritted Bitz that I modded with a high CRI Seoul P4. Oh well, I'm just happy she actually likes it... but of course, it just lives in her nightstand. I actually wound up sneaking a blurple E01 onto her keychain... so far she's tolerating it, but I really don't think I'm getting my Bitz back. :mecry:

Which of your special/favorite lights have disappeared, only to find them adopted by a non-flashaholic family member?
My Fenix E01 has somehow ended up in the kitchen cabinet as the "trying to find something at the far end of the dark shelf" flashlight. I don't really know how it got there to begin with...
I lent my SF E2L to a family member once thinking they'd only use it for one night but didn't end up getting it back for a few days. I surreptitiously swapped it out with a old Coast 5mm twisty that I considered expendable ... to save my E2L :)
My family (wife and 3 kids) each have their own lights. The kids have maglites as they are good at losing small things, as well as a head light each. The missus has a mag and an EX10 SP that she loves, and another headlight that only gets used when we go camping.

My lights are off limits, and that is final!

However there are a few cheapies around that are just 'there' to be used.
LOL, your thread gave me a smile this afternoon. My wife recently tried to adopt my new SureFire T1A, but that didn't work. :whistle: I've given her a G2 w/ Malkoff M60LL and a Streamlight Stylus Pro, which she's happy with. However, she never complains when she takes the ($$) heavy hitter out of the kitchen drawer to check on the chickens at night though. ;)
I lost my E2DL to my ex-gf.

No one else really cares about my lights.
My friend asked me to give him a light the other day, I thought about it and aside from my 3D Mag, I didn't have anything worth less than 100$. He's a good friend but I know he wont appreciate or be able to diferentiate a G2 w/M61LL from an M6
I try to avoid letting other people use my lights. My friends and family always lose them within minutes of getting them, most recently my LD20... :(
Haven't lost any yet, and I really don't expect it. Son's off at school now and wife has no interest.

Other than the ol' eye-roll, my wife is amazingly tolerant of my flashlights. Since we live in a rural area, she appreciates bright lights and came in the other evening from visiting a friend and put the Malkoff Wildcat back on the bookcase by the door and said, "I love that bright flashlight!"

Her purse frequently has my E1B in it.
My daughter has claimed my Haiku XP-G.
Wife not as picky but for last weeks GTG I had most of my lights and never thought but only left an old Streamlite in the "drawer"". As luck would have it there was a thunder storm and she needed to use it. All she said was "thanks for taking all the good lights"
So she has now inherited a SPY007
my mom has an old l2 for emergencies, but hasn't needed it once yet.
my dad and step mom use pd20s since they're battery-less and tiny - i replace the batteries. they live in direct drive mode which is slightly worrying, but it's not much to replace.
and my girlfriend uses an icon modus 1 for how cute it is
I was of town for a couple days and when I got back I found my Maelstrom G5 at the front door ... wife decided that she likes it better than her Malkoff M60WL for dogwalking!
I was showing my brother my Quark AA and he decided it fit better in his pocket than mine. I let him have it - I had a spare.
Mom & dad have the 3xaaa 9x5mm led light & 1 headlamp for dad. Brother got the freebie 2 coin cell light.
My 79 year old father has "borrowed" and probably won't give back my ElektroLumens Tri-Star Phazer that was modded with 3 P7's. He uses it to look for the newspaper in the morning and to shine in his neighbors windows...
I lost my E2DL to my ex-gf.

Ugh, that's hitting a guy below the belt! :tsk:

My father has a nasty habit of asking to use one of my EDC lights when he's caught unprepared in the dark. ("Unprepared" is his middle name.) I usually have to ask for it back otherwise I won't see it again for a while. I get it back...usually with a few newly added dents and dings on it. :banghead:

My girlfriend is perfectly happy with the Battery Junction button cell keychain light that I gave to her so she doesn't swipe any of my lights. She only plays with the one that I happen to have with me when we go out on night time walks.
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Lets see here...:thinking:
Whenever family members would see my lights, they'd ask "which one can I have?"
So instead of letting them adopt or give away my lights, I bought them all their own lights...:grin2:

Mom and Step-Dad each have Nitecore EZAAw's, Surefire KL1 modified with Seoul and McR20s on an E2e body, along with a few others I'm forgeting.

Sister has Nitecore EZAAw and a Surefire L1 modified with a Seoul and McR18s

Brother has KL4 modified with an MC-E on one of my custom ribbed bodies, an E1e winelight to match his Chevy Tahoe, a Zebralight H30 and a Surefire KL1 modified with a Seoul and McR20s on another of my ribbed bodies as well as a Maratac AAA.

Dad has a Surefire 9P with a UV drop-in for finding leaks in cars/truck and a spare Cree XR-E drop-in, also a KL1 modified with a high CRI Seoul and McR20s on a Fivemega 1 X 18650 body, and a Zebralight H30
Dads girlfriend has a Nitecore EZAAw

Grandparents have a Surefire KL1 modified with a Seoul and McR20s on an E2e body along with a Jetbeam RRT-0 modified with a Q3-5A and a Nitecore EZAA.

I turned them ALL into flashaholics and they LOVE IT!!! HAHA!!:wave:
You could say I'm doing my part to get others to "see the light":whistle:
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My Wife had an old ex-Police Maglite 2C that was left at her house many years ago when the Police were investigating an attempted break-in there ... The Policeman never came back for his torch , so it became her "house-torch".

She had no interest in torches when she met me (and still hasn't) but I replaced her torch with a 3AA Maglite LED as it was neater ... It lived in the kitchen cupboard ... After several years and after reading CPF threads , I recently decided to put a showerhead dropin into the old forgotten 2C maglite ... I also used two 18500 Li-Ion batteries in the 2C ... The difference was amazing.

I was so delighted with the modified torch that , in a moment of weakness , I proudly showed it to my Wife ... "Try that" , I said.

Well , after a quick shine on the kitchen wall , she thanked me for "cleaning up" her old torch and put it in the kitchen cupboard beside the LED Maglite.

I was speechless ... It wasn't modified for her ... It was for me ... But as it was originally hers , I had to admit defeat.

I will look out for an old 2D Maglite now and put a Showerhead into it ... I will power "my" torch with six AA Eneloops in two "3AA to D convertors" and I won't even tell her in case she steals that too.

The less they know , the better !
I gave away my Lightwave 3000 to my mom. She's abused it quite a bit,even once dropping it onto pavement by accident.The light still works.(I love my Lightwave 4000,as well as the 3000 that my mom "adopted" as hers.)

There's so many other lights (formerly mine) at my parents' house that it's not funny.There aren't very many fancy lights at my mom and dad's house,but I've made sure they're good lights.
My spouse still rolls her eye's when the subject of flashlights comes up. But she carries both a Bart tritium blue glow ring & a Miller modded ARC AAA on her keychain plus she always has her AA Cree Jetbeam C-LE in her purse. My daughter also has one of Bart's tritium blue glow ring & a plain old AAA Arc premium on her keychain plus she adopted my SureFire WineLight because she said it was too feminine for me.