solar charge LiFePO4 ?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 11, 2009
I was wondering if I could put 3.6 amps (from 8 such solar cells in series) into a lifepo4 battery indefinitely? About .475 volts would be dropped by a 1N5820 from the 4 volt solar panel. Thus 3.525 is (the theoretical) max on this set up. Now, is that alright or is it still damaging, even though not above max.

I plan to charge a 10Ah (so not to worry about overcharge at first) in about four hours to light up two or three Crees at whatever (low mA) cuurent is still available. I know they light up pretty good at less than 3 volts.

Newbie :wave:
I'm gonna try it anyway's, If it doesn't last for 2,000 charges, or whatever happens, I'll post the results

However, I'm still waiting for the smaller battery from deal extreme to test with... so it might take "forever"...

Bty, glad to hear that D-dog is alright, shiesh, thought a person would be fried with that kind of power going through him.