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Sold/Expired SOLD: Luminus SSR-50 1xC Flashlight With Neutral tint Top Bin (GJ201)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 10, 2009
  • Up for sale is Flashlight built using the Very Best Bin GJ201 SSR-50 LED.
  • This is Neutral Tint 57K SSR-50 (SST on Star), much better than the SST/SSR samples recently surfaced on CPF.
  • This is the very best bin in existance, better than GJ200 bin as well. (GJ201 excludes two possible tints that may get you pee green from GJ200).

The Exact Bin is in the photo below:

It is built on a Very attractive & compact Blue Anodized 1C host.
The host is shown to the right of mag 2C & mag 1.25D. It is slightly shorter than typical Mag 1C, but not by much.

  • The SSR-50 star is Centered & Fixed to the heatsink using Arctic Silver.
  • Heatsink is conected to flashlight body by Thermo paste/super glue combo.
  • Reflector is metal OP.
  • 98% Transmission UCL Glass window is used to replace the regular glass lens


  • The Tail Cap is bored out to house rercessed tail spring.
  • The flashlight runs direct drive out of 25500 1C Li-ion either protected or un protectd will fit.

Perfect & Bright hot spot free from center cross or dark voids as seen from P7/MCE builds.
No rings or beam flaws even for the most picky white wall hunter!(me)

My modifications are all done by hand tools & samll grinders, no fancy machines so grinding marks inside on places such as refletor (Grinded down outside of reflector to fit in the bezel), tail cap boring etc. are unavoidable.
But the out side looks untouched.

  • The switch is also modified & retrofitted a Judico 10A switch for minimal resistance & longevity.
  • Thick 20G taflon wire was used for low resistance from switch to LED.

Asking price is a humble $135 (The top bin LED alone costed me about $50).

Please add $15 for Shipping/PP fee & Insurance. CANUS Only.
Add $10 if you want the Protected 1 C Li-ion, new, as shown in the picture.

Charging of the 1C Li-ion can be done on any 18650 li-ion Charger using alligator clamps & Radio Shack 1C battery holder.

Thanks for looking
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Re: FS: Luminus SSR-50 1xC Flashlight With Neutral tint Top Bin (GJ201)

Nice light with nice price.
I´m wondering this beauty with an aspherical lens !!!
Re: FS: Luminus SSR-50 1xC Flashlight With Neutral tint Top Bin (GJ201)

Great looking mod! I love the SST-50.

EDIT: Comment deleted out of respect for the sales thread, sorry.
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Re: FS: Luminus SSR-50 1xC Flashlight With Neutral tint Top Bin (GJ201)

Nice-looking mod.
Did you use the standard Mag heat-sink or a custom-made for the SSR-50?
Re: FS: Luminus SSR-50 1xC Flashlight With Neutral tint Top Bin (GJ201)


Because I used the SSR-50, which is the one on 20mm star,
it does not need a special SST heat sink for mag (Although a Mag C sink would fit, as the battery tube ID is same as Mag C.)

The heat sink I used is Brass, providing large surface to mount the star.
The heat sink then plug into the body & transfer heat via thermo paste to the body. The heat sink also screws into the Alu. reflector, the reflector also screws into the bezel.

As a result, there are dual thermo path for heat transfer going on:

  • Heat transfer to the Body tube &
  • Heat transfer to the bezel via. aluminum reflector.
This method achieves the maximum heat transfer a flashlight could have, unless some one add a copper pipe
& transfer some heat directly to tail cap & provide a third heat transfer channel, which is not practical.

I think this is better than typical heat sink I used for mag mods,
where heat sink dropped into body tube & all the heat goes into the body
vial a single thermo path.

There have been some debates on the importance on size of heat sink vs. size of the thermo transfer area, the results were that the size of thermo transfer area was the bottle neck & therefore matters more than the size of heat sink withh in the limit of a flashlight.
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Re: FS: Luminus SSR-50 1xC Flashlight With Neutral tint Top Bin (GJ201)

EDIT: Comment deleted out of respect for the sales thread, sorry.
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Re: FS: Luminus SSR-50 1xC Flashlight With Neutral tint Top Bin (GJ201)

How's the output and runtime with a C li-ion?
Re: FS: Luminus SSR-50 1xC Flashlight With Neutral tint Top Bin (GJ201)


I know you want to know how I build this. But I'd like to keep this
FS thread on focus & not become a DIY thread.

The host does not come from DX or KD & nether has it showed up in CPF before as I am aware of. I am not planning on spilling the beans at the moment, as there's value associated with details that contributes to the
FS thread. I hope you understand.
Re: FS: Luminus SSR-50 1xC Flashlight With Neutral tint Top Bin (GJ201)

How's the output and runtime with a C li-ion?

The out put is slightly higher than P7 DD, with slightly brighter hot spot but much brighter spill.
The Run time should be slightly less than a P7 DD on C Li-ion.

Because it's DD with no Chips & resistors to suck up energy, this is as efficient as it can be.
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Re: FS: Luminus SSR-50 1xC Flashlight With Neutral tint Top Bin (GJ201)

If you are interested in trading, check my sales threads to see if anything interests you.
Re: FS: Luminus SSR-50 1xC Flashlight With Neutral tint Top Bin (GJ201)


Thanks very much, I am honored!

I am a poor men with no machine, my hand made mods are going to be shabby compares to your jewels! :bow:

I will respond to your PM & send you PP info. shortly.


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Re: FS: Luminus SSR-50 1xC Flashlight With Neutral tint Top Bin (GJ201)


On the other hand (no pun intended), your ability to do hand work and your knowledge of LEDs, and electronics are nothing to sneeze at.

I've noticed your work and I will say that life will be easier for you once you get a lathe. :devil:
Re: FS: Luminus SSR-50 1xC Flashlight With Neutral tint Top Bin (GJ201)


Thanks for the kind words. I may not stay in the falshlight hobby long enough to justify a lathe :), I've moved on different hobby's every few years, from mountain biking to speed skating to car modding to fishing to reef tanks to now flashlights, seems that my interests in a hobby only last a few years at most.

Plus, with 3 kids to feed, I've committed to my family that my hobby will not cost a penny out of family income, so I am selling stuff I made to fund materials to buy & make something different, mys history indicates that it may not be wise for me to make long term investments in any hobby.

Plus, wife is trying to kick my table saw out of the basement :eek:
adding a Lache is not likely an option.
But that's OK, I am enjoying making something out of nothing, force me to think outside the box:devil:.
Re: FS: Luminus SSR-50 1xC Flashlight With Neutral tint Top Bin (GJ201)

Nice light with nice price.
I´m wondering this beauty with an aspherical lens !!!

OK, I took a photo using aspheric lens before packing it up & ship to Fred;).
The Die image is about 4x the size of the same lens on Cree R2.
Reminds me of the Arcmania's Ostar lens light but with square beam.

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