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Sold/Expired SOLD: Mac's Torch-----* The FIRE Starter * ~~~Dropped to 255.00~~~


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 4, 2006

For Sale: Mac's "Torch", black with fluted head. Low runtime (<15 minutes). New 100W Osram HLX bulb and rechargeable battery included, charger not included.

For those not familiar, this is "The Torch" that will set paper on FIRE:devil:.
4000 Lumens of Hot Light :devil:

These are hard to find. :twothumbs (3" FM head/reflector not included)

Was $280.- delivered USA via Priority Mail
Price Dropped to 255.00 Delivered

PayPal only to: [email protected]
The first "I'll Take it" AND "PayPal Sent" is the new owner.

:thumbsup: A special thanks to Griff for making this sale possible :thumbsup:

Here's the original sales thread for this one:
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Re: WTS: Mac's Torch-----* The FIRE Starter *

The Torch is an amazing fun light.

I've taken mine camping on a few occasions.
I just love seeing everyones jaws drop when I start
to roast marshmellows with mine:eek:

Sweet light there, someone will have a blast with this!
Re: WTS: Mac's Torch-----* The FIRE Starter * ~~~Dropped to 255.00~~~

OK Guys, price has been dropped to 255.00 Shipped.

Great Price for one of Mac's Amazing Lights :thumbsup:
Re: WTS: Mac's Torch-----* The FIRE Starter * ~~~Dropped to 255.00~~~

Oh, come ON guys, this is one of the greatest lights of all! If I didn't have one already, I'd be ALL over this. BTW, that looks like the one formerly owned by regentag, then griff. :D
Re: WTS: Mac's Torch-----* The FIRE Starter * ~~~Dropped to 255.00~~~

Thanks for the good word Troy :thumbsup:

A SPECIAL thanks to DM51 for keeping it real :twothumbs
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Re: WTS: Mac's Torch-----* The FIRE Starter * ~~~Dropped to 255.00~~~

jcvjcvjcvjcv, I have removed 2 of your posts. You are warned that trashing a sales thread is not tolerated.

Edit: For twice disputing a simple ruling about a very clear-cut case of thread-trashing, take a week off. Consider yourself lucky it isn't a longer period.
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Re: WTS: Mac's Torch-----* The FIRE Starter * ~~~Dropped to 255.00~~~

You listed no charger. Where do you get a charger and how much are they ? Thanks Superbee
Re: WTS: Mac's Torch-----* The FIRE Starter * ~~~Dropped to 255.00~~~

SOLD to BXSTYLEZ :thumbsup:

PM Sent buddy!