Some days ya just can't win.

She's so anti-everything, maybe they should just let her have a license plate in which she shows no negativity.

Besides, no one really pays attention to vanity plates anyway.

She could just request the following plate: IH8MEAT.
She isn't that much anti- stuff as she is an animal rights believer. Nice thing about this country is that there's plenty of room for everybody.

And aw, now come on -- tofu takes on lots of flavors easily. On its own it is kinda funky/"interesting" though. But then again I always say that chicken tastes like rattlesnake.
I'd rather eat rattlesnake. :)

When I'm done, I've got enough left over to make a nice belt... Can't do that with chicken.
Being from Japan I LOVE TOFU!!!! It really depends on the texture of the tofu. The dehydrated "imitation meat" stuff is iffy at best, and does taste like cardboard.:sick2: Fresh tofu is very soft, but can be purchased in firm textures. I like buying it in the block form and cutting it in cubes. Put some soy sauce on it, and BAM.

In Japan they make the BEST tofu burgers, which is a 50/50 mix of tofu and beef.:drool: Put tonkatsu sauce on it (Burrudoggu sousu is my favorite brand, as is all of Japan) and you just can't go wrong.
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I am not a big tofu lover though, tofu is alright. it also is a great source of soy protein. Never tasted 50/50 mix of tofu and beef burger. That sounds bit weird. it could be the same thing in the stomach though, I would prefer 1 beef patty and 1 tofu burger patty over 50/50 tofu/beef mix. :p
im 17 and i have been a vegatarian for the last 12 because of my own choices. i admit i loved spareribs. i ate alot of these meat replacements and honestly some taste horrible and others taste good. it all depends on what you get.

about the licence plate. nice try but maybe a bumpersticker would have been better =P

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