source for Maha C-9000 AC adapter?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 27, 2005
Maryland, USA
Somehow I've lost My Maha C-9000's MHS-CO1202000SS AC power adapter and it's hard to find another. I wrote to Maha, and they told me they'd sell me a replacement for, I think, $20 if I gave them my credit card information. They didn't state whether that price included shipping. I said, fine, what phone number should I call; I don't want to send that sensitive info by email. I never heard back.

There's curently one North American AC adapter in stock at Paul's Finest in Canada, but that store doesn't ship to the states.

Meanwhile, I've bought a Maha C9000 12V car adapter, which is better than nothing.

I wish MAHA would just add the AC adapter as a regular item one could order. It's huge and heavy, and I can see wanting to keep one in two locations and simply moving the much lighter charger.
It is just a simple AC to DC Power Pack.

You should be able to use any AC to DC Power Pack that is rated at;

12v DC @ 2.0A

You just need to find one with the correct mini plug on the end.

So.....look for a 'Wall Wart' that puts out 12v DC up to 2.0A.

I would expect them to run about $10-$20 US.

Search Ebay....below is one example of one that I found that would probably work just fine...and its only $10-$12.
Some time back I bought a rather versatile power supply at Radio Shack. It came with several different-sized tips to fit various items, and a switch to select the voltage output. I bet this would work for you if you don't get something more specific.
5 would be fine. It just needs to be a minimum of 2 amps.

Make sure the pin configuration is the same. There should be a diagram on the wall wart and the charger.
Thanks, guys. Several good suggestions here! I think I'll buy one of those multi-voltage thingies; now that I think of it, that's the very unit I advised our group's videographer to buy when he needed to power his professional Panasonic camcorder from AC power. Like the MAHA charger, the camera is a thirsty beast, and Panasonic's adapter sells for well over $100.
Re: Maha C-9000 AC adapter: What's the plug's ID and OD?

It is just a simple AC to DC Power Pack.

You just need to find one with the correct mini plug on the end.

Search Ebay....below is one example of one that I found that would probably work just fine...and its only $10-$12.

Turak, the seller has relisted that item, an Enhance Electronics ENA-080312. At $12 or so, it's appealing. But how can I be sure that the MAHA C-9000 charger will accept the eBay charger's 2.1mm inner diameter plug? The seller seller is offering another 12V, 2.5A model (FSP Group Inc FSP030-1ADF03A) whose inner diameter is 2.5mm.
photos of 12V chargers for MAHA C9000

For future reference, here are photos of the MAHA charger and various other North American chargers that might work with the MAHA C9000:

MAHA MHS-CO1202000SS (12V, 2A):

Enhance ENA-0080312 (12V, 2.5A AC adapter, 2.1mm inner diameter, 5.5mm outer diameter, center-ground):

FSP Group FSP030-1ADF03A (12V, 2.5A AC adapter, 2.5mm inner diameter, 5.5mm outer diameter, center-ground):

5 would be fine. It just needs to be a minimum of 2 amps.
This is true for a regulated power supply. For a cheap unregulated transformer designed for 5A, voltage will be somewhat higher than spec when only a 2A load is placed on it. Enough to cause damage, probably not, but hard to say for sure.
I don't get this.:thinking: With 4 cells each receiving up to 2 amps each would you not need a unit rated 8 amp dc otput minimum?.
I don't get this.:thinking: With 4 cells each receiving up to 2 amps each would you not need a unit rated 8 amp dc otput minimum?.

Four cells charging at 2 amps, about 1.4 volts.

4*1.4V*2A = 11.2 Watts

11.2W/12V (charger input) = .93A

Let's say the charger is 80% efficient

.93A/.8 = 1.16 amps at 12 volts (Charger input)

This is kind of a rough estimate, but it should give you the idea.
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Anyone else annoyed that the C-9000 doesn't have a power button? I hate having to unplug the cord or the outlet plug to reset it all the time.
Anyone else annoyed that the C-9000 doesn't have a power button? I hate having to unplug the cord or the outlet plug to reset it all the time.
No. :thinking:

Compared to my BC-900, my C9000 'almost never' :rolleyes: gets unplugged.
The *ONLY* reason I ever have needed to UNPLUG it is if I just put 4 cells in and I 'accidentally' screw up the settings (4X!) :eek:. Rather than pull *ALL* the cells out and re-insert them, I 'may' UNPLUG it. ;)
This is true for a regulated power supply. For a cheap unregulated transformer designed for 5A, voltage will be somewhat higher than spec when only a 2A load is placed on it. Enough to cause damage, probably not, but hard to say for sure.

I was worried about this when I decided to try powering my C9000 with my solar power system. It consists of a 55Ah Optima battery charged with a 50 watt solar panel and a Sunswitch charge controller. The voltage varies from 12.5 volts to 14.2 volts depending upon whether it is day or night and if the charge controller has the solar panel charging the Optima battery or not. I have run a break-in charge on dozens of Eneloop cells as well as a few other brands, and many charge cycles. I have run into no problems at all so far. I use the 12v car cigarette lighter adapter made by Maha for the C9000. I don't know if it has any protection circuitry in it or not. I figure if it is designed to be powered off of an automobile battery it should be able to handle a fair amount of voltage fluctuation.
Re: photos of 12V chargers for MAHA C9000

MAHA MHS-CO1202000SS (12V, 2A):

When you said the power adapter was "huge and heavy" it didn't strike a chord with me. Now I see your picture, and I realize this looks nothing like the one that came with mine. I just recently bought one from NewEgg and it came with a power supply almost half that size, and it is light as a feather. Did older ones come with "non-switching" power supplies?
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Re: photos of 12V chargers for MAHA C9000

When you said the power adapter was "huge and heavy" it didn't strike a chord with me. Now I see your picture, and I realize this looks nothing liek the one that came with mine. I just recently bought one from NewEgg and it came with a power supply almost half that size, and it is light as a feather. Did older ones come with "non-switching" power supplies?

My Maha power adapter is also the half the size of what's in the picture and my unit is a little over a year old.
When do you need to reset it? I have never needed to reset mine all the time I have owned it.

Because rather than pulling out all the batteries, or unplugging the cord when you want to stop or change modes, it would be easier to just hit a power button.