Spare parts/tool storage


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 1, 2019
Mardi Gras City
Between legoing, Malkoff, Oveready, SF, Etc.

Having spare parts, dedicated tools, lubricants, orings and primaries.

How do you guys store of all these?

I've tried pelicans but everything just seems "dumped"? in them.

My latest solution is a big 35$ tackle box that splits open with a deep bottom.

It's getting near full but I have a ton of parts and such in there . And if and when I need more space I could just use another one. I keep it under the bed, out of site out of mind.
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The rafters in the basement. The wife is to short to see up there.
I have all my loose small stuff stored in empty 1 pound tofu containers. One empty tofu container is spare 0 rings, another empty tofu container has all my Vinh cards, another has my two amp wall chargers, etc etc, and all of my Lithium ion batteries are in a briefcase sized fire resistant concrete lined storage box.
I have all my loose small stuff stored in empty 1 pound tofu containers. One empty tofu container is spare 0 rings, another empty tofu container has all my Vinh cards, another has my two amp wall chargers, etc etc, and all of my Lithium ion batteries are in a briefcase sized fire resistant concrete lined storage box.
Recycling. I like it. To much plastic ends up in our ocean s and land fills. Good work Rich
You got a picture red?
Well, I have a lot like Autogiro has, they may not make mine my other ones any more. I noticed that Stanley has some nice ones.

My front yard in the desert has almost 100 Rainbird sprinkler heads, and I have tons of spare parts for them, and a huge amount of drip system supplies in them. I said in another post earlier that I have not done yard work since the 1970's but I do repair the sprinklers and drip system as the gardeners never seem to get that right. And these Plano boxes are wonderful.

Combine with a label maker, and you are all set!
Very nice

Once we can get back Into retailers I'll start looking into some , or maybe online .

I rather see stuff like that in person but who knows
I have a big outdoorsman brand store up the road from me I can check out as well .
Those places seem to be all over nowadays. I remember in the late 80 early 90 we would have to drive 1 hr to get there. Completely over priced on their tackle boxes.
I use fishing organizers too. I like the Plano Stowaway 3700s from Wally World because they're supposed to be waterproof. I keep them in the safe where they are also wifeproof.


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Well actually that's where I plan on keeping it all, but a bunch ends up spread out on my workbench

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That poor safe, it should be loaded with guns [emoji3166]

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