I am interested to know if the gurus here can tell me anything about the spontaneous discharge over time of the rechargeable 3.6/3.7 volt 10440, 14500 etc type batteries and the rechargeable 3.0v CR2 type batteries.
That is: are these more in the spontaneous discharge category of 'standard' NiMH rechargeables or more like the 'new' LSD Eneloops and Imedions etc?
Great forum - especially the great guru silverfox.
i have 4 10440's and they are cheap ones too, they dont self discharge much at all, better than a LSD.
most of my 14500's dont have much self discharge either, but some i have on protection curcuits, and they seem to self discharge faster, but i still get 6 Months without worring about it.
then reverse all that 100%

because the 10440s arent protected, and some of my 14500s arent protected, and
IF you let them get to low in voltage, then they WILL completly self discharge, become useless , self discharge continually, and be even dangerous to charge.
so the self discharge is lower than ni-mhys for sure, and lower than LSD when: 1) you use it within spec 2) it was a good cell and treated well before you got it, and treated well after you get it. 3) depending on any draw from a cheap protection curcuit.
generally li-ion is a wonderfull battery for capacity, and self discharge, even in the smaller or larger sizes, way better than ni-???. but it must be treated with more special care than the ni-??? things for sure.