Spyder II gx vs Nexus 95mw!

68 charger

Newly Enlightened
Dec 3, 2006
This is my new Wicked Spyder II gx and my Wicked Nexus 95mw side by side. I won the Spyder in Wickeds latest "Giveaway". My Nexus is very healthy, and performs flawlessly at lighting match's and popping balloons. But as you can see....the Spyder just kills it. The Spyder will smoke leather at 12 feet, and pop balloons as far away as 40 feet...un-aided.... in a clean enviroment.:drool:



Very good fortune to have won such a neat laser! Appears to have a large diameter beam, is this just a camera bloom? Is it small enough to easily be EDC'd? Thank you for shareing the pictures with us.
liveforphysics said:
Very good fortune to have won such a neat laser! Appears to have a large diameter beam, is this just a camera bloom? Is it small enough to easily be EDC'd? Thank you for shareing the pictures with us.

What? Some camera bloom....beam is larger than Nexus though....burning power is still better than Nexus.
Looks awesome, Charger....I gotta get one now ! DANGIT ! I GOTTA find a support group that doesn't get so many cool toys ! :whistle: