SSC-P4 (Z-Power) Optics


Newly Enlightened
Mar 13, 2006
Not sure if this was asked already, or if they exist somewhere else.

Are there any beam shotsof the P4 optics? How are the different ones different? Does it make a difference to use them rather to use the plastic cover that comes on a M@G? Also, which, if any, would fit on a 3C? Are they simply a put-it-on-top-of-the-LED kind of thing?


Thanx a ton;
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Re: P4 Optics

Which P4 do you mean?

Cree XR-E P4 or SSC-P4?

The best result in view of throw in a Mag you'll get with a Cree and an Aspherical Lens.

Best regards

There are a couple different options for you, optics or a reflector. In my experience, optics will put more light into the "hotspot", and have less side spill. A reflector will give more light in the sidespill, and the hotspot will usually be less bright than with an optic. Photon Fanatic sells both for the Seoul P4's.

Most optics/reflectors are used with a modded mag, that is one with an aftermarket heat sink. The optics can be epoxied to the sink around the LED, or else the flashlight lens actually touches the reflector/optic and holds it in place. Since I have never seen the Mag LED up close, I don't know if either an optic or reflector would work with that light.

Hope this helped.
Yes this is exactly what I wanted to know.

Thank you very much;

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